dating ideas for married indian couples

Romantic Date Night Ideas for Married Couples

Did you think that only unmarried couples embark on romantic dates? Think again. As relationships mature, passion may dwindle. Whether you’ve been wed for years or just tied the knot, it is essential for married couples to continue nurturing their romantic connection. From unconventional outings to cozy home evenings, you can make these moments special for each other.

What could be some of the romantic night ideas?

Marriage counsellor, Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares innovative date night ideas to rejuvenate passion and keep the flame alive in long-term relationships.

1. Take a Simple Walk

Sometimes, amidst life’s complexities, a simple walk becomes a serene voyage for married couples. Engaging in unhurried strolls, hand in hand, under the moonlit sky fosters an intimate atmosphere. The unhurried pace allows for genuine conversations, rekindling the flame of connection and developing a renewed sense of shared companionship.

2. Plan A Romantic Movie Night

Sometimes, the simplest joys rekindle the flames of romance. Sharing a movie night at home, carefully curating a watchlist, and preparing snacks together not only offer comfort but also a chance to reminisce. Under the stars or in a cozy home cinema, this shared experience becomes a nostalgic journey, evoking emotions from the early days, building connections, and igniting the spark of love anew.

3. Art can create magic in your relationship

Engaging in artistic activities as a couple fosters a unique bond, rekindling romance through shared creativity. Whether attending a painting class or trying DIY projects at home, the collaborative process creates special memories.

Embracing imperfections, like sketching a partner in a funny costume, becomes a testament to the love invested. Art serves as a medium for connection, rekindling the spark and weaving a tapestry of shared experiences in marriage.

4. Add Melody to your relationship

Ever wondered how a simple Karaoke night could reignite the spark in your marriage? Singing together isn’t just about hitting the right notes; it’s a shared journey of laughter, vulnerability, and rediscovery. Embrace the imperfect melodies, and you’ll find that these harmonious moments foster a deeper connection, rekindling the romance that initially brought you two together.

5. Playing games

Did you know that playing games can spice up your marriage? Embracing your inner child through board games not only adds fun but also sparks joy and connection. It’s like a playful escape from reality, creating moments that rekindle the romance. So, why not ditch the mundane, pick a favorite game, and let the laughter and competition weave a new chapter of togetherness in your love story?

6. Let’s Cook Together

Whisking up a homemade feast together, from sizzling steaks to decadent desserts, turns your kitchen into a love-filled haven. As you chop, stir, and savor, the aroma of shared efforts creates a bond that goes beyond the dining table. Cooking as a couple not only ignites the stove but also sparks the flames of romance, reminding you both of the sweet symphony that first drew you close.

7. Read together

Sharing the joy of reading can reignite the spark in a marriage by creating intimate moments. As you both immerse yourselves in love sonnets or captivating stories, the shared experience builds a unique connection.

The act of reading together promotes intimacy, evoking emotions that revive the romantic essence. It’s a simple, yet profound, way to rediscover the enchantment that initially brought you together, making it a cherished date night activity.

From simple walks encouraging genuine conversations to artistic activities, movie nights, music, games, cooking, and reading together—each suggestion provides a unique avenue for couples to rekindle the flame, strengthening the bond of love.

staying in marriage for kids article

Why Staying in An Unhappy Marriage “For the Kids” Is Wrong?

Marriages are often celebrated as the union of two souls destined for eternal happiness. However, the reality is that not all marriages are made in heaven. The question of whether to endure an unhappy marriage “for the kids” is a complex dilemma.

When faced with the prospect of divorce, the decision becomes particularly challenging when children are involved. Should one persist in a toxic and joyless marriage for the sake of the children, or should they contemplate ending it?

Why continuing with an unhappy marriage is harmful for your children?

Leading marriage counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo explains the following factors in the article further. These are:

1. Psychological Stress

An unhappy marriage is often fraught with tension, resentment, and conflict. Children are highly perceptive and can sense this negative atmosphere. Constant exposure to such stress can lead to emotional and psychological distress in children, affecting their overall well-being and development.

Kids are sensitive to their parents’ feelings, and when parents are unhappy, children may feel it’s their fault or experience anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. These emotional scars can last a long time.

2. Builds Negative Perception

Children learn about relationships primarily through observing their parents’ interactions. In the context of an unhappy marriage, prolonged exposure can normalize dysfunctional dynamics for them. Consequently, their understanding of a healthy partnership becomes skewed, potentially leading to troubled future relationships.

An environment marked by emotional distance and hostility between parents hampers the development of vital emotional skills and communication patterns in children. Such situations breed unresolved conflicts and negatively impact a child’s perception of acceptable relationship norms, perpetuating cycles of unhappiness in their own future partnerships.

3. Delayed Divorce Does More Harm than Good

Remaining in an unhappy marriage until your children become independent may seem like a way to shield them from the upheaval of divorce or separation. However, this approach doesn’t always reduce their stress.

If your children have never experienced extended periods away from you, leaving home, particularly when they move to a new city for further education, can be highly distressing. The added burden of a divorce, coupled with new responsibilities, could potentially disrupt their studies and transition into adulthood.

4. Self-Sacrifice Can Be Dissatisfying

Sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of your kids may seem noble, but it can have negative consequences. Unhappy parents may struggle to provide a stable and nurturing environment. True parental sacrifice means making choices that benefit both parents and children.

You don’t have to be a martyr; divorce can be a self-improvement decision if you still attend to your children’s needs. Happier people are better at everything, including being better parents, which is a great gift for your kids and yourself.

5. Causes Relationship Breakdowns

Prolonged unhappiness within a marriage can gradually foster resentment and bitterness, which may ultimately seep into various aspects of one’s life, affecting relationships with friends and family. Children raised in such an environment may lack positive examples of loving relationships.

Stress and tension can inadvertently strain the parent-child relationship, causing resentment and strained connections, leaving children questioning the authenticity of their upbringing.

6. Disrupts Communication

An unsatisfactory marriage can lead to a communication breakdown between parents, complicating the establishment of fair child arrangements. Resolving issues as they arise is crucial for facilitating decisions in the children’s best interests. Redirecting efforts from a troubled marriage toward fostering a positive co-parenting relationship is essential.

In unhappy marriages, couples often struggle with effective communication, which can negatively influence their children’s ability to express feelings and thoughts, potentially impacting their future relationships and friendships. Teaching kids healthy communication and conflict resolution within a family setting is vital for enhancing their future relationships.

What did we learn?

Staying in an unhappy marriage can harm children by subjecting them to psychological stress, distorting their perception of healthy relationships, and potentially causing long-term emotional scars. Delaying divorce may not always protect them, and self-sacrifice may lead to an unsatisfactory family environment. Effective communication and prioritizing well-being can be key to mitigating these negative effects on children.

relationship advice blog Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Signs When a Woman Just Pretends to Love Someone

 “Love is often romanticized as a beautiful feeling, the heartwarming cornerstone of countless stories, songs, and dreams. Yet, as we step into the complex terrain of the real world, we quickly realize that love isn’t always a fairy tale set to a catchy tune.

Sometimes, it becomes a painful and bewildering journey, particularly when you begin to suspect that the woman you hold dear is merely pretending to love you. In this article, Shivani Sadhoo delves into the intricacies of such situations, shedding light on the tell-tale signs that can serve as ominous markers, indicating that her professed love for you may not be as genuine as you had hoped.

Signs When a Woman Just Pretends to Love Someone

When a woman only pretends to love someone?

Some of the signs according to the marriage and relationship counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo that indicate a woman is merely pretending to love you are:

  • Lack of Respect

When a woman consistently demonstrates a lack of respect towards you, it can be a clear indication that her professed love may be insincere. Respect is a fundamental element of a healthy relationship. If she disregards your feelings, boundaries, or opinions, it’s crucial to consider whether her love is genuine or merely a facade.

  • She Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings

A clear indicator of her lack of genuine love is her disregard for your emotions and well-being. She prioritizes her convenience, showing no concern for your feelings, needs, or aspirations. Her apparent affection is merely a façade to gain something from the relationship. When you’re down or upset, she feigns care when it’s effortless, but avoids offering real support when it requires her genuine attention and empathy.

  • When She Deceives You

A person who truly loves you wouldn’t betray your trust with someone else. When someone is deeply in love, suspicion of infidelity and the need for evidence shouldn’t exist. Cheating and genuine love are incompatible.

Even if you forgive her and she claims to love you more, if she avoids difficult conversations and doesn’t want to face her betrayal, she’s prioritizing her comfort over your emotions. This isn’t the behaviour of someone who genuinely loves you.

  • She Treats You Differently in Public

When you’re alone, she embodies everything you’ve ever desired in a partner. However, a stark contrast emerges when you’re in the company of others. In such situations, she becomes openly critical, disparaging, and dismissive of you. Her demeanour is far from pleasant, and despite attempts to rationalize it, the hurt remains.

  • Avoids Commitment

Avoiding commitment can be a major red flag. If she’s reluctant to commit to a serious relationship, avoids discussing the future, or dodges talks of moving in together or getting married, she may not be as invested in the relationship as you are.

  • You Are Not Important to Her

One common sign that a woman might be pretending to love you is if she doesn’t prioritize spending time with you. When you’re not a significant focus in her life, it suggests a lack of genuine care. If she doesn’t actively seek out quality time with you and readily chooses other activities over being with you, it may indicate a problem in her attraction or love for you. True love often involves a strong desire to spend quality time together, so her lack of effort could be a red flag for the authenticity of her feelings.

  • Lack Of Intimacy

Physical touch plays a vital role in expressing emotions, intimacy, and affection within a relationship. When a person consistently avoids physical contact and emotional intimacy, it may be indicative of insincerity and a lack of love. A deep, loving connection typically involves both emotional and physical closeness, making these signs of avoidance concerning the authenticity of the relationship.

In love, actions often speak louder than words. When a woman consistently displays disrespect, indifference to her feelings, deception, and varying behaviour in public, it raises questions about the authenticity of her love.

Avoidance of commitment, lack of prioritization, and absence of intimacy further compound doubts. In genuine love, respect, care, trust, and consistency are the cornerstones. When these elements are absent, it’s essential to re-evaluate the sincerity of the relationship. 

empathy in relationship advice blog

The Biggest Challenges Empaths Face in Romantic Relationships

Has your partner ever said, “I understand why you feel that way, and I’m here to listen and work through this together”? This simple yet profound statement can be a positive and comforting experience in a relationship, especially during challenging times.

Empaths possess an innate capacity to put themselves in another person’s shoes and understand the feelings of those around them. Empathy can be both a blessing and a challenge. It’s a powerful tool that allows individuals to connect on a deep emotional level, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

Biggest Challenges Empaths Face in Romantic Relationships

What are the biggest challenges the empaths face in romantic relationships?

Let us find out how empaths deal with their difficulties in relationships from Delhi’s top marriage counsellor and relationship expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

1. Self-neglect

Empaths intensely feel their partner’s emotions and often become people-pleasers. They prioritize their partner’s feelings and avoid confronting issues. Self-care takes a back seat as they prioritize their partner’s needs, opinions, and decisions. Escaping this cycle can be tough for empaths, entangled in putting their partner’s needs above their own. Balancing empathy and self-preservation is important for a healthy relationship.

2. Communication is a real challenge

Communication can pose another hurdle for empaths. The intense connection they feel can sometimes make it difficult for them to express their own feelings openly. They may fear burdening their partner with their emotions or struggle to articulate their needs and desires effectively.

Learning to communicate openly and honestly, without letting the fear of overwhelming their partner hold them back, is crucial for a healthy relationship.

3. Lack Of Emotional Boundaries

Empaths have a heightened sensitivity to the emotions of those around them. While this is a beautiful gift, it can also become overwhelming, especially when it comes to romance. The ability to absorb and feel the emotions of their partners can lead to a constant state of emotional flux. They may fail to distinguish between their partner’s feelings and their own, making it hard to maintain emotional boundaries.

4. Fear of Intimacy

Empaths struggle in relationships due to overwhelming closeness. Their heightened awareness absorbs others’ energies, leading to exhaustion. Relationships, already emotional for non-empaths, are even more draining for empaths. Some empaths fear dating or commitment to avoid this emotional overload. They seek ample space—energetic, emotional, and physical—for recovery. Empaths can enjoy relationships by balancing closeness with their need for space, improving their overall experience.

5. Often Too Intrusive

Empaths naturally sense others’ emotions without control. Imagine the constant awareness of your partner’s mood. It’s both a valuable trait and a challenge. Empaths can’t switch off this sensitivity. While partners appreciate the support, it can feel intrusive. Occasionally, they want space to handle a bad day privately. Balancing an empath’s caring nature with respecting personal boundaries can be complex.

6. Attract Narcissists

Empaths often attract strong personalities like narcissists or toxic individuals, but this can harm their well-being. Both empaths and narcissists seek attention, but they express it differently. Empaths focus on caring for others, while narcissists want attention for themselves. This mismatch leads to problems in the relationship. Empaths try hard to please narcissists, who may mistreat them. It’s a cycle with no winners and is tough to escape.

7. Misinterpretations and Conflicts

Empaths are excellent at reading between the lines and picking up on subtle cues. However, their heightened sensitivity can sometimes lead to misinterpretations. They may detect emotions that their partner isn’t explicitly expressing, which can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

8. Feeling of Loneliness

Empaths may experience loneliness in relationships due to their intense emotional sensitivity. Partners often struggle to comprehend the depth of their feelings, causing isolation. Even caring partners may not fully grasp their emotional needs. For example, needing alone time after a taxing day is a necessity, not a preference. Without solitude, empaths feel drained and unhappy.

Empaths face profound challenges in relationships, juggling intense empathy with self-preservation, communication struggles, emotional boundary issues, and fear of overwhelming closeness. They must overcome these hurdles while seeking a delicate balance between compassion and their own well-being for a truly fulfilling and harmonious connection.

emotionally not ready for real relationship

Warning Signs Your Partner Is Not Emotionally Ready for A Real Relationship

Love is a magical and exhilarating emotion, weaving dreams of togetherness and happiness. However, marriage isn’t always the immediate destination of this beautiful journey. Many couples find themselves head over heels in love but realize they aren’t quite ready to take the plunge.

It could be fear, insecurities, or simply a lack of readiness, urging us to be vigilant for signs indicating our partner might not be emotionally prepared for a genuine relationship. Eminent relationship expert and couples therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares her tips in this article.

Shivani MIsri Sadhoo a leading marraige counselor in Delhi shares warning signs that can tell if your partner Is emotionally ready for a real relationship or not

What are the signs to look out for to check if a person is emotionally ready for a real relationship?

Some of the signs that are explained by Shivani regarding a partner is not emotionally ready for a relationship are:

They Avoid Honest Communication

An essential cornerstone of a healthy relationship lies in open and honest communication. If your partner habitually engages in stonewalling, evades discussing their emotions, sidesteps challenging conversations, or emotionally withdraws during intense moments, it may indicate an unreadiness for a genuine, committed relationship. Strong relationships are nurtured through a consistent and open dialogue, where both partners feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions.

When They’re Practically Off The Grid

When an individual displays a penchant for distancing themselves physically and emotionally, they may be classified as emotionally unavailable. ‘Ghosting’ i.e. sudden disappearances followed by unpredictable reappearances, reflects this emotional disengagement. ‘Benching’ or ‘Breadcrumbing’ occurs when a partner keeps you on the outskirts of their life, rarely initiating contact.

‘Zombie-ing’ is when the emotionally unavailable individual reappears after a silence, leaving you emotionally perplexed and disconnected, without an explanation or apology. These actions signify a reluctance to engage in genuine, meaningful communication.

Avoids Future Planning

Emotional readiness involves envisioning a shared future and making plans together. If your partner consistently avoids discussing or making plans for the future, whether it’s about living arrangements, careers, or family, they may not be emotionally prepared to invest in a long-term relationship.

Being Selfish

A real relationship involves mutual support, care, and consideration. If your partner consistently prioritizes their needs, goals, and desires above yours without considering your feelings, it suggests they may not be emotionally prepared to share their life and emotional space with someone else.

Your Time is Not So Important

If your partner frequently cancels plans and doesn’t respect your time, it’s a red flag. Quality time together is vital for a relationship, and constant cancellations show a lack of emotional investment. If they cancel often and seem disinterested when you do meet, they might not be ready for a real relationship.

Afraid of Being Too Close?

Emotional intimacy is at the core of a genuine relationship. If your partner is uncomfortable with physical affection, avoids cuddling, or resists spending quality time together, they may be struggling with their own fear of intimacy, which can be a significant roadblock to a real, deep connection.

Humor And Sarcasm

Do you notice how some people respond with humor and sarcasm instead of showing true emotions? Instead of facing feelings of anger or disappointment, emotionally unavailable individuals make light of serious situations. For instance, if a friend shares a personal struggle, they might make a joke to deflect from discussing their true feelings and vulnerability disconnecting emotionally from you in the process.

What did we learn today?

Understanding emotional unreadiness in a partner is crucial for building a genuine, committed relationship. Signs such as avoiding honest communication, emotional distancing, selfishness, and a reluctance to plan for the future can indicate a lack of readiness for deep emotional connection. Being vigilant about these signs can help individuals make informed decisions about their relationships.

signs of long lasting marriage article

Signs That Can Indicate Your Marriage Will Possibly Last for a Long Time

Marriages as they say are made in heaven. While it is true that nothing lasts forever, yet with the right mindset, communication, and commitment, marriages can endure and grow stronger over time. So, how do we find out if your marriage is going to last forever? India’s leading marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo reveals some of the signs to look for.

signs of long lasting marriage

What are the signs that can indicate a marriage will last long?

Though signs may vary, but Shivani Sadhoo shares some of the most subtle signs that may reveal you will have a long-lasting marriage. Those are:

1. Respect Each Other

One of the key signs of an everlasting marriage is the presence of mutual respect between partners. Respect goes beyond mere politeness; it involves valuing each other’s opinions, feelings, and boundaries. In an everlasting marriage, partners appreciate and honor one another, even during times of disagreement. This mutual respect forms a solid foundation, allowing the relationship to thrive and endure.

2. You have time for each other

When couples have time for each other, they get the chance to connect, communicate, and share their thoughts and feelings. This helps to build a strong foundation of trust and empathy, which is essential for any successful marriage.

3. Be Friends First

Friendship plays a crucial role in sustaining long-lasting marriages. Be pals, and confidantes, and support each other like buddies do. Value this friendship—cherish it! Laugh together, share secrets, and always listen. Trust, understanding, and love grow stronger when rooted in a deep, genuine friendship.

4Emotional intimacy

Deep emotional connection in marriage, built on trust, vulnerability, and understanding, creates lasting love. Couples openly share fears, joys, and insecurities, forging an unbreakable bond that endures challenges and time. A journey where love is not just spoken but felt deeply, a timeless connection that weathers all storms.

5. Inspire and Motivate Each Other

Positive psychology says that when you focus on the good stuff in each other, it strengthens the relationship. You both feel happier, more connected, and motivated to keep the love alive. So, inspire each other, cheer each other on, and your marriage can go the distance!

6. Always There For Each Other

Long-lasting marriages happen when both partners truly care for and support each other. It’s like having each other’s backs through thick and thin. You become like peanut butter and jelly, just meant to stick together. There’s trust, laughter, and understanding, even when things get tough. It’s like being a team, always cheering each other on and helping out when needed.

7. Sense of Humour

Humor in marriage diffuses conflicts, transforming potential fights into playful moments. Couples who laugh together strengthen their bond, facing challenges with resilience and joy, fostering openness and an enjoyable relationship.

8. Money Matters

When both partners are on the same page about money, make joint decisions, and stick to a budget, it reduces stress and fights about bills. So, in a nutshell, when you both handle your finances wisely, your marriage is more likely to go the distance, like a winning team in the game of love.

9. Listen carefully

When you truly hear your partner out, it shows you care, respect, and understand them. You’re not just waiting for your turn to talk, but actually tuning in to what they’re saying. This builds trust and a deeper connection as it helps you nip problems in the bud before they become big issues.

Final Thoughts

A lasting marriage hinges on mutual respect, genuine friendship, emotional intimacy, shared laughter, and aligned values, including effective communication and financial harmony. Nurturing each other’s growth, being supportive allies, and cherishing the bond with love and understanding are essential ingredients for an enduring marital journey.

relationship blog signs of sensitive woman

Signs You’re with A Sensitive Woman – Relationship Tip

Eminent Couples Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares Signs that Your Partner is a Sensitive Woman

Emotional sensitivity is a trait that could greatly enhance the depth and richness of relationships. Sensitive women tend to be compassionate, empathetic, and attuned to the emotions of those around them. If you’re in a relationship with a sensitive woman, you’re likely experiencing a unique and rewarding connection. In this article, eminent marriage counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares ten signs that indicate you’re with a sensitive woman.

Signs that Your Partner is a Sensitive Woman

What are signs that your Partner is a sensitive Woman?

According to Shivani, there are many major or subtle signs, but here she is talking exclusively about the 10 signs that you need to check for. They are:

She is Empathetic

A sensitive woman has a strong capacity for empathy. She can deeply understand and share the feelings of others, making her an excellent listener and a supportive partner. She genuinely cares about your emotional well-being and will be there for you in times of need.

She Notices the Little Things

Sensitive women have a knack for noticing subtle details and nuances that others might overlook. Whether it’s a change in your tone of voice or a small gesture, she is attentive to your needs and emotions.

She Values Open Communication

Communication is vital in any relationship, and a sensitive woman understands this well. She encourages open and honest conversations, making it easier for both of you to express your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without judgment.

She is Considerate of Your Feelings

Sensitive women are considerate and thoughtful partners. They take your feelings into account when making decisions and are careful not to hurt or offend you. They strive to create a safe and nurturing environment for the relationship to flourish.

She Expresses Her Emotions Freely

While some may view emotional expression as a weakness, sensitive women embrace their feelings and express them openly. They are in touch with their emotions and encourage you to do the same, creating a space where vulnerability is celebrated.

She Values Connection

Sensitive women often prioritize emotional connection in their relationships. They seek to build deep and meaningful bonds with their partners, making them loyal and devoted companions.

She is Supportive

Whether you’re pursuing your dreams or facing challenges, a sensitive woman will stand by your side. She provides unwavering support and encouragement, helping you achieve your goals and navigate life’s ups and downs.

She is Creative and Artistic

Many sensitive women have a creative and artistic side. They may enjoy pursuits like writing, painting, music, or other forms of self-expression. This creativity often enriches the relationship with depth and passion.

She is Attuned to Nonverbal Cues

Sensitive women are skilled at reading nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions. This ability allows them to understand your emotions even when you may not be verbally expressing them.

She Values Harmony and Peace

Sensitive women often seek harmony and peace in their relationships. They are willing to compromise and work through conflicts in a constructive and empathetic manner, making the relationship more resilient and fulfilling.

Being in a relationship with a sensitive woman can be a rewarding experience. Her empathy, emotional depth, and attentiveness can enhance the connection you share and bring a sense of harmony and support to your partnership.

By recognizing these signs, you can better appreciate and nurture the unique qualities that a sensitive woman brings to your life, ultimately leading to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

best marriage relationship counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Clear Signs There Is Serious Chemistry Between You and Your Partner

Not every relationship is destined to be a perfect match. People are unique, with diverse needs and personalities. While some couples effortlessly complement each other, others may face challenges. However, one of the most beautiful and exhilarating aspects of a romantic relationship is the presence of genuine chemistry between partners. While it may not be the sole determinant of a successful relationship, recognizing serious chemistry is essential for building a strong and lasting connection.

Relationship chemistry is not akin to a scientific formula but a unique blend of emotions, connection, and compatibility that can’t be easily quantified, making each connection special and unpredictable.

What are those clear signs that suggest there is serious chemistry between two individuals?

India’s leading marriage counsellor and relationship expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares a few signs to find out the genuine chemistry between couples:

1. Magnetic Attraction

Instant fascination is a powerful indicator of strong chemistry between partners. While appearance may be the initial attraction, it goes beyond mere looks. It’s the magnetic pull, the unspoken connection, and the exchange of infatuating glances that reveal a deeper, irresistible bond, making it clear that chemistry plays a pivotal role in relationships.

2. Eyes can talk

Eye contact is like a secret language between two people in love. When you’re into someone, your eyes can’t help but lock onto theirs. It’s like a magnetic pull that screams, “I’m into you!” You hold that gaze longer, steal glances, and there’s this electric intensity that says, “We’ve got some serious chemistry going on here!” It’s a wordless confirmation of the sparks flying between you two.

3. Body Language

Body language reveals chemistry between couples through subtle cues like mirroring each other’s movements, leaning in closer, touching, and blushing. Women may fidget with their hair or lips, while men might get sweaty palms. These nonverbal signals indicate a strong connection and attraction, regardless of gender.

4. Similar Interests

Partners with strong chemistry often discover that they share common interests and values. Whether it’s a love for hiking, a passion for art, or a commitment to similar ethical principles, shared aspects of life can significantly enhance your connection.

5. No need for words

When two people share a strong bond, they can read each other’s thoughts and emotions without uttering a word. This unspoken bond brings them closer, forging a unique intimacy that words simply can’t capture.

6. No Compulsion

When you genuinely enjoy each other’s company without feeling the need to constantly entertain or impress one another, it’s a clear sign that you two are ‘made for each other’. Being comfortable in silence or simply being together speaks volumes about your connection. You will feel relaxed and energized at the same time. You can be yourself without fear of judgment. The relationship will feel effortless and safe.

7. It’s Only Us

One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of finding ‘The One’ is the unique ability to feel completely alone together, even in the midst of a crowded room. It’s as if the world around us fades into the background, and the only thing that matters is the connection we share with that special person. Time seems to stand still, conversations become whispers, and the energy between the two individuals becomes palpable. In those moments, the rest of the world becomes irrelevant, and it’s just the two of them in their own little universe.

Cherish these signs and nurture the chemistry that makes your relationship special, and remember, a match made in heaven isn’t always about perfection; it’s about creating your own unique paradise together.

best marriage counseling in delhi Shivani misri sadhoo

How to Make Someone Feel Better? Amazing Ways to Make Someone Smile

Learn with India’s Top Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Life is not always about a singular pursuit or outcome, it’s the culmination of various experiences, emotions, and journeys that make it truly meaningful. In the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced world, where stress and challenges seem to be the order of the day, a simple smile can work wonders. A genuine smile has the power to transcend barriers, brighten up a gloomy day, and create connections that uplift both the giver and the recipient.

So, let’s find out the tips and tricks to add smiles and cheer to people’s lives from India’s eminent couples therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

What are the ways to bring a smile to someone’s face?

Shivani Sadhoo says, being able to bring a smile or someone’s face is often the way to make someone feel better who is probably feeling down due to certain issues. Some of the ways to make a person smile are, you need to give them:


Genuine compliments hold the power to uplift and touch hearts. Instead of a plain old “good job,” make it special. Notice the sweat they put into a project, the cool ideas in their art, or the delicious twist in their cooking. Your attention and appreciation mean a lot!

Show Affection: 

A simple hug conveys warmth and care, releasing “feel-good” chemicals in the brain. It makes us feel loved and understood. When someone hugs us, it’s like a cozy gesture that brings joy. The connection and comfort from a hug can easily bring a smile to our faces.

Share Humour: 

Laughter truly is the best medicine, and sharing a good laugh can instantly lighten the mood. Share a funny meme, a light-hearted joke, or a witty anecdote. In a world bombarded with stressors, a dose of humor can be a welcomed respite.

Listen to others: 

Sometimes, all someone needs is a listening ear. Truly engage in conversations, show empathy, and be present in the moment. By letting others express themselves without judgment, you create a space where they can freely share their thoughts and concerns, often leading to a genuine smile of relief.

The Power of Nature: 

A simple walk in nature can make someone smile. It can reduce stress and anxiety, and increase feelings of happiness and well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can lead to improved mental health and physical health.

how to make someone smile

A Gift of Love: 

Handmade gifts or personalized tokens of appreciation carry a unique charm. Create a scrapbook, a custom playlist, or a piece of art that reflects your connection and shared memories. These thoughtful gifts demonstrate your effort and consideration, bringing genuine smiles to those who receive them.

Be Kind: 

In a world that sometimes feels impersonal, a random act of kindness can be a breath of fresh air. Whether it’s paying for someone’s coffee in line behind you or leaving an uplifting note for a coworker, these gestures create a ripple effect of positivity. Remember, kindness doesn’t need a reason; it’s a gift in itself.

A Helping Hand: 

Helping the needy brings joy by making a positive impact. Knowing you’ve made a difference, even small, can create a sense of fulfillment. Seeing others happier due to your kindness can lead to smiles, as it shows the power of compassion and generosity.

Personal Touch: 

Calling your parents instead of texting adds a personal touch. Hearing their voices and having a real conversation shows care and interest. It creates a warmer connection, reminding them of the old ways and making them smile by feeling valued and cherished.

Celebrate Together: 

Celebrating wins, big or small, spreads happiness by acknowledging achievements. Whether it’s a minor accomplishment or a major milestone, recognition shows you care and share in their joy. This simple act of support boosts their spirits, leading to smiles and a stronger sense of togetherness.

Smiling is a powerful way to spread positivity and make others feel happy and appreciated. It can be contagious and help to lift the spirits of those around us. Making others smile helps to create a sense of connection, belonging, and joy, which are essential for our mental and emotional well-being.

marriage counselling blog shivani misri sadhoo

How to Break the Cycle of Blame in Your Relationship?

Shares Couples Counselor Shivani Sadhoo

Finger-pointing can quickly turn a loving connection into a battleground of accusations and hurt feelings. Blaming is a natural human response to avoid responsibility, but it’s not constructive. It’s tough when the blame game becomes a regular part of a relationship.

Let’s find out why partners blame each other in a relationship and what are the ways to break this vicious cycle from India’s top relationship expert and marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

Why does the blame game begin?

Shivani Sadhoo says, there are certain factors that initiate the blame game. Some of them are:

Childhood experiences: 

These shape our coping and communication strategies. If individuals face blame or criticism, they may unconsciously blame others in relationships.

Protect Self-esteem:

Blaming others helps preserve a positive self-image and shields self-esteem, as admitting fault might be perceived as a weakness.

Lack of Empathy:

It hinders understanding others’ perspectives, leading to a tendency to blame instead of considering their viewpoint.

Ways to Deal with the Blame Game?

Ways to Deal with the Blame Game?

Shivani says, every problem has a solution, you simply need to find it. Some of the ways to deal with the blame games are:

1. Use “I” Statements: 

Instead of pointing fingers and using accusatory language, express your feelings and concerns using “I” statements. For example, say, “I feel hurt when you blame me for everything” rather than “You always make me feel bad for …”

2. Accept your fault: 

Acknowledge your own mistakes and be willing to apologize when necessary. This sets a positive example and encourages your partner to do the same.

3. Forgive and Forget: 

Learning to forgive and forget involves letting go of past grievances and not holding on to grudges. It means releasing the need to continuously blame each other for past mistakes and choosing to move forward with a fresh outlook, fostering understanding and healing in the relationship.

4. Identify the root cause: 

Identify the root problems causing conflicts. Focus on understanding each other’s perspectives without immediately assigning blame. By pinpointing the real issues, you can work together to find constructive solutions and improve your relationship.

5. Be Patient: 

Practice patience by actively listening without interrupting or becoming defensive. Empathize with your partner’s feelings, communicate calmly, and avoid retaliating. This fosters understanding, promotes healthier discussions, and strengthens the bond between you both.

6. Nobody is Perfect: 

Of course, no relationship is without its hiccups. We’re only human, after all. So, let’s set realistic expectations and understand that perfection is not the goal here. It’s about progress. Celebrate the small wins along the way and acknowledge that change takes time.

7. Talk to each other: 

Healthy communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. Both partners must be willing to express their thoughts and emotions openly without fear of judgment or criticism. Encourage each other to share feelings and listen actively without interrupting or becoming defensive. This way, both partners can understand each other’s perspectives and work together to find constructive solutions.

8. Listen to each other: 

Actively listen to each other’s perspectives without interruption or defensiveness. Mutual respect and validation of each other’s feelings are essential. Together, find solutions to address the issue constructively, focusing on changing behavior rather than assigning blame.

9. Seek Professional Advice: 

Overcoming the blame cycle can be tough, especially if it’s ingrained. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be highly beneficial. A neutral third party can identify toxic patterns, offer insights, and guide partners toward healthier communication and conflict resolution.

10. Be Compassionate: 

Show understanding and empathy toward your partner’s feelings and perspectives. This approach encourages open communication, fosters connection, and paves the way for resolving conflicts constructively.

It is never too late to break free from the blame cycle and embrace a healthier, happier future together. Relationships are a journey of growth, and learning from challenges and mistakes can lead to stronger connections and personal development.