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impact of social media on relationship by Shivani Sadhoo

Do You know what are the Social Media Red Flags In Relationships?

The internet has indeed revolutionized the world. Gone are the days when information was scarce and communication was slow.

Today, with just a few clicks or taps, we can delve into a vast repository of knowledge on virtually any topic and connect with individuals worldwide in an instant. Social media, in particular, has streamlined the process of finding romantic partners, transcending geographical boundaries and time zones. Yet, amid its convenience, social media has also become a breeding ground for relationship issues. The same platforms that bring couples closer together can also harbour hidden red flags that may signal trouble ahead.

To understand these social media red flags, let’s explore the perspective of top relationship expert and marriage counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo on the social media behaviours that should not be ignored in relationships.

impact of social media in relationship by marriage counselor Shivani misri sadhoo

What are the social media red flags in relationships?

Couples therapist, Shivani Misri Sadhoo says to find out you need to check the following signs:

Pretending to be single

When a partner behaves as if they’re single on social media—keeping relationship status hidden, avoiding posting photos together, or asking not to be tagged—it raises red flags. While some value privacy, constant avoidance of mentioning the relationship may indicate keeping options open or a lack of commitment. Genuine partners don’t hide relationships; secrecy may suggest dishonesty, embarrassment, or external pressure. Openness and acknowledgement are essential for healthy relationships.

Is your partner spending too much time on social media?

Spending excessive time on social media during dates can detract from romance, signaling that your partner’s focus isn’t on you. It may indicate addiction, where the virtual world overshadows real connections. Social media’s curated facade fosters dissatisfaction and can be an escape from unhappiness. Ignoring moments like sunsets hints at prioritizing screens over shared experiences. Recognizing these signs is crucial; excessive social media use can signal deeper issues affecting relationships and personal well-being.

Posting flirtatious remarks on others’ social media posts

Flirting with others on social media, especially through public comments, signals a lack of commitment and respect in a relationship. This behavior undermines trust and emotional security, akin to infidelity. Engaging in such actions can lead to feelings of betrayal and hurt. Consistently leaving flirty comments on others’ posts raises doubts about one’s intentions and loyalty. It’s crucial to reflect on whether this behavior aligns with your expectations for a healthy, monogamous relationship.

Not accepting social media requests

Many a time, refusing to accept a connection request on social media signals reluctance to integrate into each other’s lives. It suggests a lack of transparency and openness. Denying the request may indicate a desire to keep aspects of one’s life hidden, potentially signaling dishonesty or unfaithfulness. By rejecting the connection, the partner may be implying a disregard for the relationship’s importance or the other person’s feelings. Overall, refusal to connect on social media can raise concerns about trust and commitment.

Reluctant in posting your relationship online

Some people choose privacy, but when a partner avoids posting about the relationship on social media while being active otherwise, it raises concerns. The absence of acknowledgment could signal a lack of commitment or reluctance to publicly affirm the relationship. This omission may lead to feelings of exclusion and impact self-esteem negatively. Comparing one’s relationship to others’ flashy posts only emphasizes the authenticity of real-life connections.

Inconsistent behavior or mismatch between online and offline conduct

When someone’s online persona is drastically different from their offline behavior, it can raise concerns about authenticity and honesty in a relationship. While it’s common for people to curate their online presence to some extent, a significant inconsistency like this can be a red flag. For instance, imagine if your partner constantly shares posts about loyalty and trust online, but in reality, they frequently lie to you about their whereabouts or interactions with others. This mismatch between their digital facade and real-life actions could erode trust and breed resentment in the relationship over time.

marriage counselor shivani sadhoo talks about a boy friend or girl friend not going to marry you

Signs A Boy Friend or Girl Friend Is Never Going to Marry You

You have been savouring those romantic coffee dates, indulging in long drives, and even sneaking in casual leaves from work just to create special moments with your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, especially on their birthday. However, when the topic of marriage crosses your mind, there’s a distinct sense that your significant other isn’t quite ready for such a significant commitment or may not be inclined to take that step with you.

Are you curious to find out these tell-tale signs that indicate your significant other might not be ready for the monumental commitment of marriage?

Eminent relationship expert and marriage counselor in Delhi, Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares a few signs in this article.

couples counselor shivani sadhoo talks about signs a boy friend or girl friend not going to marry you

Avoiding Future Plans

If your partner constantly sidesteps discussions about the future, especially on topics like settling down or long-term plans, it could indicate a lack of commitment. A genuine desire for a lifelong connection involves open conversations. If your enthusiasm for living together or dream wedding plans is met with lukewarm responses and swift subject changes, it may signal a deeper reluctance to envision a shared future.

Haven’t Met their Family

Is your partner keeping their family a mystery? A red flag in serious relationships is avoiding family introductions. A future spouse willingly integrates into each other’s families. If your significant other hesitates or delays this step, it signals uncertainty about a lifelong commitment. Avoiding family meetings suggests a lack of pride in your connection. Even if an introduction happens, reluctance may hint at future commitment issues.

Lack of Emotional Connection

In a thriving relationship, trust, loyalty, understanding, love, care, and shared emotions are crucial. If your partner refrains from opening up emotionally, it signals a reluctance to include you in their inner world, hinting at a lack of commitment. True connection involves vulnerability and closeness. When a significant other detached emotionally, it suggests a hesitancy to envision a lasting future together. Building emotional walls may signify a reluctance to see you as a lifelong partner.

Always Making Lame Excuses

Your significant other consistently postpones the idea of marriage, citing various reasons like recent conflicts with their mother or work-related stress. Each time, they claim it’s not the “right time.” Whether it’s financial stability or career achievements, the excuses keep piling up.

If someone truly desires marriage, obstacles wouldn’t hinder their commitment. Continuous justifications reveal a reluctance to take that step. Pay attention to actions, as words alone may not paint an accurate picture of their intentions.

Your Partner Isn’t Serious About the Relationship

In a relationship, actions speak louder than words. Take, for instance, when your partner hesitates to hold hands in public or introduces you with only your name, avoiding any mention of your connection. These subtle gestures may signify a reluctance to commit.

If, after months together, your significant other downplays the seriousness of your relationship, it could be a clear indication that marriage isn’t on their horizon. Such reluctance to embrace the connection publicly may reveal their hesitations about a long-term commitment.

 The Discussion does not go Beyond the Proposal

After a joyous proposal, your partner might evade wedding discussions, showing reluctance to set dates or arrange venues, hinting at a hesitancy to commit. A devoted partner eagerly plans a wedding, involving loved ones, but if your significant other hesitates to confirm a date, reconsiderations about the marriage may be surfacing. Pay attention to the unspoken signals, as actions often speak louder than words in matters of the heart.

Now that you know the subtle signs of a partner’s reluctance to commit, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of open communication, emotional connection, and shared future plans in a lasting relationship. Paying attention to actions over words is key, as these indicators can help you navigate potential commitment issues and make informed decisions about your future together.

never do after being cheated

Things You Should Never Do After Being Cheated On

The discovery of infidelity often triggers a profound emotional upheaval. Betrayal can elicit a range of intense feelings, including anger, sadness, confusion, and even self-doubt. The betrayed partner may find themselves grappling with a rollercoaster of emotions that challenge their sense of self-worth and the very fabric of the relationship. It’s during these tumultuous times that one must approach the path to healing with utmost care and a commitment to preserving self-respect.

What are the things you should never do after being cheated on?

What are the things you should never do after being cheated on?

Leading marriage counselor and relationship expert, Shivani Misri Sadhoo suggests the things you should never do after being cheated on:

Don’t Jump to Conclusions: Discovering infidelity is emotionally charged, and the immediate reaction might be anger, sadness, or a combination of both. However, resist the urge to make impulsive decisions or accusations. Take the time to gather your thoughts, assess the situation, and communicate openly with your partner.

Avoid Retaliatory Cheating: Seeking revenge by engaging in retaliatory infidelity may seem like a way to level the playing field, but it only perpetuates a cycle of hurt and destruction. Instead, focus on understanding the root causes of the infidelity and deciding whether the relationship can be rebuilt.

Don’t Bottle Up Your Emotions: Suppressing emotions can lead to long-term issues such as resentment and anxiety. Allow yourself to feel the pain, betrayal, and sadness. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist who can provide a safe space for you to express your emotions.

Avoid Public Humiliation: Refrain from publicly shaming your partner on social media or within your social circle. While it’s natural to seek support, airing your grievances in a public forum can have long-lasting consequences and make the healing process more challenging.

Don’t Play the Blame Game: Although infidelity is a breach of trust, it’s essential to recognize that relationships are complex, and blaming one party entirely may oversimplify the situation. Engage in open communication to understand the factors that contributed to the infidelity without assigning sole responsibility.

Avoid Rushing into Decisions: The aftermath of infidelity is not the ideal time to make major life decisions, such as ending the relationship or filing for divorce. Give yourself the necessary time to process emotions and make decisions with a clear and rational mindset.

Don’t Ignore Self-Care: Neglecting self-care during this challenging time can lead to physical and mental health issues. Prioritize your well-being by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seeking professional help if needed, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Avoid Excessive Monitoring: While rebuilding trust is essential, constantly monitoring your partner’s every move can hinder the healing process. Striking a balance between transparency and autonomy is crucial for rebuilding trust in a relationship.

Don’t Rush into a New Relationship: Rebound relationships may offer temporary distraction but rarely provide a solid foundation for emotional healing. Take the time to focus on personal growth and healing before entering into a new relationship.

Avoid Making Permanent Decisions in a Temporary State: Infidelity creates a tumultuous emotional state, and making permanent decisions during such turmoil may lead to regrets later on. Give yourself the time and space needed to make decisions that align with your long-term goals and values.

The aftermath of infidelity is undoubtedly challenging, but navigating it with a level head, self-respect, and a commitment to personal growth can lead to healing and, in some cases, the rebuilding of trust in the relationship. Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and seeking professional guidance can be a valuable resource in the process of recovery.