Category Archive : best marriage counseling in Delhi

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Do You Know the Communication Styles That Poison Relationships?

Top Marriage Counselor Shivani Sadhoo Explains

Effective communication is the foundation of healthy relationships, be it romantic, familial, or professional. The way we express ourselves and listen to others greatly impacts the dynamics and overall satisfaction within these relationships.

Unfortunately, certain communication styles can act as poison, gradually eroding trust, understanding, and harmony. In this article, Delhi’s top marriage counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares some toxic communication styles and provides guidance on how to avoid them, fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections.

marriage counseling in Delhi by shivani misri sadhoo

Passive Aggression

Passive-aggressive communication is characterized by indirect expressions of hostility, disguised as passivity or sarcasm. This style often involves subtle jabs, backhanded compliments, or withholding information to create tension and manipulate others.

It can leave the recipient feeling confused, hurt, and frustrated, ultimately leading to deteriorating relationships. Instead, strive for open and honest dialogue, addressing concerns directly without resorting to hidden agendas or covert hostility.


Defensive communication is a self-protective response that arises from feeling attacked or criticized. It involves denying responsibility, making excuses, or deflecting blame onto others. When both parties engage in defensiveness, it creates a cycle of negativity, hindering effective problem-solving and resolution. To break this pattern, practice active listening and empathy, focusing on understanding the other person’s perspective without immediately jumping to self-defence.


Stonewalling occurs when an individual withdraws from a conversation or relationship, shutting down emotionally and refusing to engage. It can manifest as silent treatment, avoidance, or dismissing the other person’s concerns.

Stonewalling prevents open communication and leaves the other person feeling unheard and invalidated. Instead, strive for open dialogue, even if it feels uncomfortable, and make a conscious effort to actively participate in resolving conflicts.

Blaming and Criticizing

Blaming and criticizing communication styles involve focusing on faults and mistakes rather than seeking constructive solutions. This approach creates a hostile and judgmental environment, where individuals feel attacked and defensive.

Instead of blaming and criticizing, practice constructive feedback by expressing your concerns using “I” statements, focusing on specific behaviours, and offering suggestions for improvement. This allows for a more collaborative and growth-oriented approach.


Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation that aims to make the other person doubt their own perceptions, memories, and sanity. This toxic communication style involves distorting the truth, denying events, or trivializing the other person’s feelings and experiences. Gaslighting erodes trust, undermines self-esteem, and can lead to psychological harm. It is crucial to recognize gaslighting behaviours and establish boundaries to protect your emotional well-being and maintain healthy relationships.

Marriage counsellor Shivani says effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful relationship, and toxic communication styles can poison even the strongest bonds. By being aware of these destructive patterns and actively working to avoid them, we can foster healthier connections built on trust, empathy, and understanding. Remember to practice open dialogue, active listening, and respect for each other’s feelings and perspectives. By doing so, we can cultivate relationships that thrive and bring joy and fulfillment to our lives.

marital advice by Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Helping an Insecure Partner Feel Safe and Supported

Key Relationship Tips Shared by Leading Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Insecurity has the ability to deeply impact a person’s emotional well-being and relationships, leading to feelings of anxiety, doubt, and fear. If your partner struggles with insecurity, it is important to provide a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters their sense of safety and love. In this blog, Delhi’s top marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares effective strategies to help make an insecure partner feel secure, valued, and cherished within the relationship.

Cultivate Open and Honest Communication

Establishing open lines of communication is crucial for creating a safe space where your partner can express their insecurities without fear of judgment or dismissal. Encourage them to share their thoughts, concerns, and fears openly, and actively listen with empathy and understanding. Validate their emotions and reassure them that their feelings are valid and important to you.

Show Unconditional Love and Acceptance

Unconditional love is a powerful force that can help alleviate insecurity. Demonstrate your love and acceptance for your partner by embracing all their flaws, quirks, and vulnerabilities. Celebrate their strengths and remind them that they are loved for who they are, unconditionally. Small gestures of affection, such as hugs, kisses, and reassuring words, can go a long way in conveying your love and support.

Build Trust through Consistency and Reliability

Insecurity mostly stems from a lack of trust. To help your partner feel safe, it is important to build trust through consistent actions and reliability. Be true to your word, follow through on promises, and be dependable in both big and small matters. Consistency and reliability demonstrate that you are someone they can rely on, fostering a sense of security within the relationship.

Provide Reassurance and Affirmation

Regularly reassure your partner of your commitment and loyalty. Give genuine compliments and affirmations that highlight their positive qualities and reassure them of your love. Avoid dismissing their insecurities or becoming defensive; instead, address their concerns using compassion and understanding. Let them know that you are there to support them unconditionally.

Create a Safe and Nurturing Environment

Make sure that your relationship is a safe space for your spouse to express themselves freely. Foster an environment of trust, empathy, and emotional safety. Avoid criticism, belittling, or comparison. Encourage their personal growth and support them develop a positive self-image by focusing on their strengths and encouraging their passions and aspirations.

Encourage Personal Development and Self-Care

Insecurity can mostly be mitigated by promoting personal growth and self-care. Encourage your partner to engage in activities they enjoy, pursue their passions, and take care of their physical and emotional well-being. Support their personal goals and offer encouragement during challenging times. When they invest in self-care and personal growth, their self-confidence and sense of security are likely to improve.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

In some cases, deep-rooted insecurities may require the assistance of a professional therapist or counselor. If your partner’s insecurities significantly impact their daily life and well-being, encourage them to seek therapy. Professional guidance can provide them with tools and strategies to address their insecurities effectively and foster personal growth.

Shivani says, supporting an insecure partner needs patience, understanding, and a commitment to creating a safe and loving environment. By cultivating open communication, demonstrating unconditional love and acceptance, building trust, and providing reassurance, you can help your partner feel secure and valued within the relationship. Remember that everyone’s journey and learning path are unique, and it is essential to adapt these strategies to suit your partner’s specific needs. With consistent effort and empathy, you can foster a strong and loving bond, nurturing your partner’s sense of security and creating a fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

couples goals by shivani misri sadhoo

Couples Guide- For Busy Partners to RECONNECT and Rejuvenate Their Relationship

In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, it’s all too easy for the flames of romance to flicker and fade. The demands of work, family, and personal commitments often leave little time and energy for nurturing our relationships. However, building a healthy and vibrant connection with your partner is crucial for both your individual well-being and the longevity of your relationship.

So, if you find yourself in a situation where your partner’s busyness has caused a strain, fear not! In this article, we will explore creative and effective ways to reconnect and rejuvenate your relationship with your busy partner. India’s eminent marriage counselor, Shivani Misri Sadhoo is here to guide you.

1. Open Communication:

The foundation of any successful relationship lies in open and honest communication. Set aside dedicated time each day to engage in meaningful conversations with your partner. Create an atmosphere of trust where both of you can openly express your thoughts, concerns, and dreams. Effective communication builds understanding and empathy, fostering a deeper connection between partners.

2. Quality over Quantity:

While it may be challenging to find large blocks of time together, focus on the quality of the time you do have. Plan activities or outings that both partners enjoy and that allow for meaningful connection. It could be as simple as a romantic dinner at home, a walk in the park, or a weekend getaway. By maximizing the quality of your time spent together, you can create cherished memories and rekindle the spark in your relationship.

3. Surprise Gestures: 

Small, thoughtful gestures can go a long way in rekindling the spark in your relationship. Surprise your partner with their favorite meal, leave a heartfelt note in their briefcase or purse, or plan a surprise outing that aligns with their interests. These simple acts demonstrate your love and appreciation, creating moments of delight and reinforcing the emotional bond between you. Use technology for good. Sending text messages to your partner is a wonderful way to maintain a connection, share small moments, and show you care.

best marriage counseling blog in Delhi

4. Support and Understanding: 

Acknowledge and validate the challenges your partner faces due to their busy schedule. Show genuine interest in their work and offer support whenever possible. By demonstrating understanding and empathy, you build a strong foundation of trust and solidarity. Your partner will feel valued and cherished, fostering a sense of belonging within the relationship.

5. Shared Hobbies and Interests: 

Finding common ground and engaging in shared hobbies can infuse new energy into your relationship. Discover activities that you both enjoy and make time for them regularly. Whether it’s cooking, dancing, hiking, or painting, the shared experiences will create lasting memories and deepen your bond.

6. Save the date: 

Intentionally carve out time in both of your calendars for regular date nights. This dedicated time allows you to focus solely on each other, away from the distractions of work and daily responsibilities. Whether it’s a candlelit dinner, a movie night, or a cozy evening, make it a habit to schedule these dates to strengthen the bond and keep the romance alive.

7. Tender Touch: 

Physical intimacy is an integral part of any romantic relationship. Find moments to express affection, even amidst busy schedules. A warm hug, a gentle touch, or a passionate kiss can communicate love and desire. Prioritize intimacy and make it a regular part of your routine, reigniting the passion and desire within your relationship.

So, take the first step today, and embark on a path toward reconnecting and rejuvenating your relationship with your busy partner. Together, you can create a love that withstands the tests of time and nourishes your soul for a lifetime.

arrange marriage insight shivani misri sadhoo

Things You Should Not Expect from Your Spouse in an Arranged Marriage

Shares Eminent Marriage Counselor and Relationship Expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Opting for an arranged marriage? Taking the decision to marry someone is never easy. And more so when you are opting for an arranged marriage, things are not quite predictable. When you marry a person, you are in love with, you at least know that person albeit to some extent, and even the family in certain cases.

But if you marry an individual ‘arranged’ by your parents or others, you require to give things a little time and requires to discover your partner while already being in a conjugal relationship. There may be surprises (both good, bad, and ugly) in store for you each day and therefore, having pre-set expectations from your spouse might not be a wise idea.

Here are a few things you should not expect from your partner right from the first day in an arranged marriage as explained by India’s leading marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

marriage counseling by shivani misri sadhoo

Expecting your partner to give you more importance compared to his or her parents

Your partner has lived with his or her family all throughout the life and expecting them to give you the same priority, love, and attention right from the very first day of marriage is a bit unfair. It will take months to develop the same relationship with your spouse as they have with their family and hence, hoping to be given additional importance than the family is not a right expectation.

Falling in love with in-laws

You will expect your partner to have respect and care for your parents but do must not expect them to fall in love with your family from the moment you get married. Again, you fall in love with people post spending a considerable amount of time with them and when they too reciprocate your love and care. Forming a relationship with in-laws demands efforts from both sides and the complete responsibility does not lie on your partner’s shoulders solely.

Understand you straightaway from day one

When you got to know someone just a few months before your marriage, how can you expect him or her to know fully about your likes, and dislikes and understand your fundamental nature? You can just understand your partner better when you begin living under the same roof and share your moments of happiness and overcome hurdles and struggles together.

So, if you get easily disappointed by your spouse’s behaviour or specific habits, simply remember—Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give the person ample time to understand you better contrary to setting wrong expectations.

The period of courtship

The courtship period is certainly helpful to understand your would-be partner better, particularly, if he or she was chosen by your parents or other family members. But it does not mean you are the person to stay in constant touch with you round the clock.

You ought to understand that he or she may be busy preparing for the marriage or slogging it out at the workplace. Hence, focus on spending quality time with your contrary of messaging or calling them after every few minutes.

arrange marriage insight good or bad

Friend circle

Your partner is not mandatorily to be as fond of your friends as you are. It is fine to have different perceptions about each other’s friends. What truly matters most is that you provide your partner with the space to spend time and enjoy with their friends and not judge them regarding their choices.

This write-up is not an effort to criticize arranged marriage concept. We have seen both arranged and love marriages have their unique pros and cons. Eventually, any relationship will only work if both partners are ready to understand each other and be there with them during good and bad times. Besides any good relationship requires love, honesty, compassion, and sacrifices to become successful.

best marriage counselor in india

5 Tips to Find the Right Therapist

Psychologist Shivani is here to help you with your search

We often judge others based on their looks. But did you know that physical appearance reflects inner happiness? It mirrors our mental state and can be an indicator of our overall well-being. Studies have shown that when we feel good inside, we look radiant and attractive on the outside. This is why it is important to take care of our mental health.

Therapy is a great way to take care of our mental health. It helps us to process our emotions, and to understand and cope with our challenges. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.

Finding a therapist can be daunting, but it’s worth the effort. India’s eminent marriage counselor and psychologist Shivani Misri Sadhoo is here to guide us through the process.

1. Know about therapy types:  Different types of therapy address different needs. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help those struggling with anxiety or depression, while family therapy can help those dealing with relationship issues. Find the type of therapy that suits your needs. Consult a counselor or mental health professional for more information about what type of therapy is best for you.

2. Experience counts: A therapist’s experience and expertise can be a huge asset when it comes to helping you navigate through a difficult period in your life. An experienced therapist can help you identify potential issues, give you strategies for coping, adjust your treatment plan as needed, and provide support and guidance during the process. Additionally, an experienced therapist can offer invaluable guidance and support throughout your journey, empowering you to make the best decisions for yourself.

3. Consider logistics and location: Consistency is the key to therapy. It is important to find a therapist geographically close to you so that you can attend regular sessions. You may like to check if the therapist is available for phone or video sessions if needed. This will save you time and money, and help you stick to your therapy plan.

4. Ask for recommendations: A good therapist is someone you can trust, who understands your needs, and who can provide you with the most appropriate treatment for your particular situation. Asking for recommendations from people you trust like your friend or a family member is an excellent way to find a therapist who will be an ideal fit. You can also consider looking for reviews online and asking for references from your healthcare provider to ensure that you select a competent and qualified therapist.

5. Therapeutic alliance with the therapist: Therapeutic alliance is the connection between the therapist and the patient. It is important to find someone you feel comfortable with and connected to. This connection is essential for engaging in productive conversations and understanding each other’s perspectives, allowing for effective treatment and outcomes. Building a strong therapeutic alliance takes time and effort. It is important to be patient, to listen, and be open to the therapist’s feedback and advice. This will lead to a trusting and safe relationship that can facilitate healing and growth.

Now that you have a fair idea of what points to consider while choosing the right therapist, you can begin your search.

marriage goals relationship counselor shivanimisrisadhoo

Why Can’t We Compromise in a Relationship?

Relationship Expert Shivani Shares How and When to Compromise In Your Relationship and When Not To

Compromise–This 10-letter word may have different meanings depending upon the context, but in a relationship, it means peacefully resolving a conflict by meeting each other halfway. One must remember that compromise does not mean giving in; rather, it means understanding each other’s point of view and finding a solution both parties can agree on. It must be a win-win and not a win-lose situation.

Compromise is a very important part of a healthy relationship, but it can be hard to do. Let’s learn why it is so difficult to compromise in a relationship from Delhi’s top marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

relationship and marriage counselling advice

Ego matters: When two people have strong egos, they become entrenched in their own beliefs and points of view. This makes it hard to come to mutual understandings and compromises, as both parties are unwilling to budge on their stance.

Communication barrier: When couples do not communicate effectively, it can be difficult to reach a compromise. Miscommunication can lead to misinterpretations, frustration, and resentment, making it hard for couples to find common ground.

Fear of change: People tend to fear the unknown, and when faced with the possibility of change, it can be difficult to come to a compromise. This is especially true when the change involves something that is very important to the individual, such as values, beliefs, and lifestyle choices.

Loss of control: Fear of losing control and power can make it difficult to compromise. People can be reluctant to give up their own needs and desires to reach a mutual agreement.

Stubbornness: Stubbornness can prevent two people from finding a middle ground, as both parties may be unwilling to give in and make concessions. This can lead to a stalemate and make it difficult to reach an agreement.

While these are some of the reasons why people find it difficult to compromise, it is also essential to understand—

When to Compromise — And When Not to

Good or bad compromise? It is important to recognize when it is necessary to compromise and when it is important to stand your ground. Compromise should be used to create a win-win situation, where both partners (or family members, whoever is involved) get something out of the agreement. But it is important to know your limits and not compromise on anything that would undermine your values or sense of self-respect.

Don’t compromise your individuality in a relationship. It is essential to know when to let go and when to stick to your guns. Compromise should not be seen as a sign of weakness. You need not sacrifice your values or uniqueness just to please your partner.

Respect your family bond. Compromising doesn’t mean you should ignore your family or disrespect them just because your partner doesn’t like them.

Compromise can be healthy when it strengthens the relationship, but unhealthy when it leads to feeling taken advantage of.

How can you compromise?

Listen and be heard: Compromise is a two-way street. It is important to listen to your partner’s point of view, consider their feelings, and then take turns expressing your own needs and wants.

Empathy: Practising empathy means putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and trying to understand their point of view.

Respect each other’s opinion and values.

Be flexible when making decisions.

Agree to disagree: If two people disagree on something, they can still find a way to move forward without either of them giving up.


Compromise is a way of maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict. It is always about striking the right balance between two opposing views.

Self-Care in Marriage: Simple Ways to Relax Together as a Couple

Right now, several couples or individuals are still working from home for the immediate future. Lots of people are very much always home these days, or a few even working part-time on creative work and taking care of the household. This might be a huge challenge for some marriages if couples are not already so consistent with practicing self-care in their marriage. Even though a steady income, and living in a house with plenty of space, definitely contributes to anyone’s comfort

But your marriage is something that should always be a priority, no matter the extenuating circumstances. One method to prioritize your marriage is to practice self-care, together. Even if you and your significant other just have time to work on self-care once every week, that is still the time that you are solely devoting to each other and to your marriage.

This blog by Delhi’s top Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo talks about self-care in marriage and the ways to relax as a couple.

Couples Therapist Shivani says these self-care ideas are solely intended to do as a couple. Bear in mind that for these self-care ideas to benefit both of you, both the partners have to be willing and interested. Consent always matters in a relationship, even for non-sexual activities. It is not exactly a self-care activity if you have to be forced into doing it.

Unplug your Gadgets and Devices

You and your loved one need some screen-free time together. There are many who cancel their anniversary trip, so it can be celebrated at home instead. While couples watching a movie is fine, however, it is insisted that both of you put away or switch off your phones and laptops while watching movies together. With repeated notifications and more, it is so easy to focus more on your phone than on your partner. Dedicate time to each of you without thinking of your devices.

Go on a Walk

After a long time you two have managed to have some time. If the weather is pleasant, plan to take a walk. Hold each other’s hands. Talk about life. The fresh air and exteriors will certainly do a world of good for both of you.

Spend Some Quality Time Apart

Are you confused? It’s okay, just like quality time together must be intentional–TV series and Chill doesn’t count, quality time apart must also be intentional. When you and your loved one spend time on self-improvement, or you focus on quality time with friends or family, you are spending quality time apart. It is good to have your own hobbies. It is healthy to have your own friends. Your partner should not be your sole source of companionship.

Post quality time apart, you and your spouse will better appreciate and enjoy quality time together.

Set Goals Together

Several couples have some big dreams. Dreams of extensive travel, a big house with a luxury car dreams of kids and their schooling.

It is fun to dream big, particularly, about the distant future. But there is also time to set realistic goals for the immediate future. Big goals usually take time, and they normally take money too. In addition to setting long-term goals, you and your partner should also break them down into medium-term goals.

Marriage goals are not all financial, though. You can also set goals to concentrate on self-improvement or goals to build intimacy.

Some of the ways are:

·       Workout together for a specific amount of time each week

·       Join a hobby club together

·       Attend an event together

·       Schedule a weekly or fortnight date

Learn Each One’s Love Language

Every individual generally has a primary love language. This is how you express love to others. When another person uses your love language you feel loved even more. Learning and acknowledging your own love language, and learning your spouse’s love language, can assist the two of you to communicate better and express love with greater intention.

Give Each Other Massages

First you need to decide together if these massages are simply for relaxation and/or pain relief, or if they are a prelude to getting intimate. You do not wish to be disappointed by a simple misunderstanding post your messages.

If you do not know how to give a good massage, there are some good resources online.

Maybe you need to set the environment right, get out some body lotion or massage oil, play soothing music and give each other massages.

If you do not have time for the complete romance, you can also give each other foot massages or neck rubs while watching a TV show.

Cuddle and Talk

Several couples are affectionate all day long, but there is nothing quite like dedicating a few moments to cuddling and talking. This is a great mode to start or to end your day. Simply you and your spouse, no other distractions. If you are not certain what to talk about, ask a few tried-and-true questions. How are you feeling? What are you thinking? What can you do today to make your partner’s life better?

Just be Silly

No doubt a married life means several responsibilities. However, marriage is not the end of fun. Be playful with your spouse. Run through the sprinklers or dance in the kitchen. Play video games or board games. Share some jokes. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

Show Affection

At times self-care in marriage is actually, just about the little things. Show affection to your spouse throughout the day. Send a cute message. Give a quick neck massage. Kiss right prior to going to bed.

Go to the Bed Together

One of the partners is an early bird, while the other one a night owl. But it is always good to align your sleep schedules more closely. Most nights, you need to try to be in bed before your partner falls asleep so at least you can talk a bit first.

Sometimes you could be both tired at the same time and fall asleep cuddling. This is an absolutely wonderful feeling, but it’s not normally practical with your different sleep schedules. Still, it is nice to try to be in bed together at the end of the day, before either of you falls asleep.

Discuss Things Related to Physical Intimacy in your Life

Getting physically intimate can absolutely be an amazing kind of self-care. But you and your partner need to discuss it periodically. The lists can help you and your partner start the conversation. It includes meaningful videos or articles on topics related to physical intimacy. It will help both of you to set or rectify certain issues if they bother you as far as getting physically intimate with your partner.

Your Counselor Is Now Just Skype/Video Call Away

During the current challenging time, it’s common to experience anxietydepressionsleeplessness, and relationship challenges at home. While you are under lockdown and maintaining social distancing norms to help the country to control the pandemic’s spread, your very own counsellor Shivani is now just a call and Skype video call away from you.

However, in this age of coronavirus, we hope to offer our therapeutic help. Change is difficult for all of us and changing the way you meet with your therapist is no exception.  But try it before you disregard this option.  This is a challenging moment in time, and fears and anxieties are running high.

You may find, telepsychology isn’t a second-rate option. Instead, it’s an effective and efficient upgrade to a valuable service!

Feel free to call Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo at +91-8860875040 for telephonic or video support and to book an online counselling session to address any relationship issues, emotional and psychological challenges.

Ways to Decode your Partner’s Mood, Reveals Shivani Sadhoo

Here’s a situation: one is a mind reader. That’s right, one can glance at their partner and delve deep into their feelings with merely one look. They are also able to correctly interpret and detect a range of emotions based on body cues, and perceived thoughts

However, genuine mind reading is never easy (in spite of how much one tries!). The fact is, none of you can, and piecing together the clues can be mighty difficult when it comes to your significant other.

While your familiarity with each other can provide insight into their changing moods—one shouldn’t try to gauge how your partner’s feeling based on assumptions alone. According to a psychological basis, taking the time to understand and communicate effectively is the finest way to increase your empathy and sense of closeness.

India’s eminent Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo in this blog says about ways to decode your partner’s mood, however, first, and the most essential thing to keep in mind are:

It is Not Entirely about you

If your spouse is withdrawing, in a funk, or refusing to communicate with you, the reason is perhaps more complicated than it appears.

Mostly one assumes their partner is mad at them, and they immediately get defensive. This can make you begin arguing about something that may not be the actual issue at all, which as a result makes it impossible to solve the actual issue.

Some researchers found that while couples do well at picking up on when their partner is happy, they may be missing out on other more subtle emotional clues.

It has been found that when it comes to the normal ebb and flow of daily emotions, couples are not picking up on those occasional changes in ‘soft negative’ emotions such as sadness or feeling down. While daily failing to pick up on these negative feelings can have a cumulative effect, ultimately leading to issues within the relationship over time.

Assumptions are Often Relationship Killers

While several people are proud of their honed mind-reading abilities, this is a strict no-no. Couples should stop assuming they know what their partner is feeling and alternatively, pay extra attention to each other and communicate more.

While one of the partners may incorrectly assume the other is feeling a specific way, this could lead the other to react in an unhelpful way. For instance, if you assume that your partner is upset about a certain thing you feel they should not be (and they are not), it may cause you to get angry or frustrated with them—which as a result actually makes them upset, and then it forms into a fight” (pretty certain some of you have been here before).

But apart from deterring this unhelpful habit, it is better to take a closer look at your interior motivations. Mostly, you are trying to go for intuition or make assumptions about what the other one is feeling because the relationship is unstable and insecure. While in the opposite sense—when a relationship is balanced and secure—you do not have to assume what the other is feeling.

Stop and Listen to your Significant Other

One of the biggest things is that you should be listening to understand, not to respond. Never listen with the goal of figuring out what you wish to say or how to tear apart their opinion or how to catch them in a lie. Also stay away from jumping in with rebuttals, opinions, and judgments until you actually understand your partner’s point of view.

You can always ask questions to clarify, only be careful that you do not try to defend yourself. Always remember that listening does not mean you are agreeing with your significant one’s conclusions; you are merely acknowledging that their feelings are valid and worthy of being heard.

Also, bear in mind the importance of giving your spouse eye contact and waiting to respond. If you wait for about two to three seconds post they are done speaking, your response will be more tailored to them and not a knee-jerk response.

Never be Afraid to Ask

If you are uncertain as to how your partner is feeling, the best way is to ask them. This could be in the form of being curious and supportive, not blaming or getting defensive. It is important to know what state of mind you are venturing into the conversation with.

If you are feeling sad, depressed, or a little wounded, it is quite likely you will bring this to a discussion. Using ‘I’ statements and being open, transparent, and vulnerable will assist your partner know what you are feeling and needing out of the interaction. It might be that you simply need a hug.

It is recommended to allow your partner to know what you need. If you do not know what you need, explain to them.

Learn Each Other’s Emotional Past

Life is a mix of both joy and pain and everyone is conditioned by painful experiences. It is always good to know what painful experiences your partner’s ‘emotional truth’ is made of.”

Many couples take long hours sharing their history with each other. Really open up about parents, trauma, doubts, and insecurities. Try to be as transparent as possible.

If you do not learn about your partner’s past of conditioned pain, then you need to learn about it through conflict—which is difficult, knowing about your partner’s pain informs your response. If you see yourself in the midst of the argument, it is good to ask your partner where they have had this feeling in their life earlier.

Part of it involves cultivating our own sense of understanding and compassion. Knowing that your partner spent several hours waiting for their parents to call and wondering if they ever would when they were merely 10 years old. They may easily explain why they became so hurt and angry when you neglected to respond to her text this evening.” This makes a map that is useful in times of conflict, as understanding their past makes it easier not to feel personally attacked and validates why they were upset.

Eventually, decoding our partner’s moods requires one takes an active, empathetic interest in the inner world of your significant other. It is very useful for couples to look at their partner and ask themselves, ‘Who is this being?’ After all, a relationship takes place in the present, never in the past or future.”

Your Counselor Is Now Just Skype/Video Call Away

During the current challenging time, it’s common to experience anxietydepressionsleeplessness, and relationship challenges at home. While you are under lockdown and maintaining social distancing norms to help the country to control the pandemic’s spread, your very own counsellor Shivani is now just a call and Skype video call away from you.

However, in this age of coronavirus, we hope to offer our therapeutic help. Change is difficult for all of us and changing the way you meet with your therapist is no exception.  But try it before you disregard this option.  This is a challenging moment in time, and fears and anxieties are running high.

You may find, telepsychology isn’t a second-rate option. Instead, it’s an effective and efficient upgrade to a valuable service!

Feel free to call Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo at +91-8860875040 for telephonic or video support and to book an online counselling session to address any relationship issues, emotional and psychological challenges.

Are You Facing Uncertainty in Your Relationship? Counselor Shivani Says You Might be in a “Situationship”

So, you have been seeing someone for a few months now (yes, that person you met perhaps on a dating site). You think (or more like you hope) they are not seeing anyone else. You know their favorite type of food, music, their father’s name, and may even have a toothbrush at their house. However, even though you are kind of in a relationship, there still has not been any talk of commitment or even exclusivity. Does this seem familiar? Well, if this sounds like it is describing your relationship perfectly, then you are perhaps in a “situationship”.

Relationship Counselor Shivani says ss the latest relationship trend on the block, a situationship is actually when you and another person are doing things that normal couples do, but you are not actually a couple. In between a hook-up and a relationship, situationship is that in-between grey zone where no one truly knows what is going on. Situationships may last months or even years in several cases but, given the reality, they involve catching feelings, it will finally end in two methods. Either you are going to DTR (define the relationship) or someone decides to move on.

So, if you see yourself relating to these signs, as said by Delhi’s top Marriage Counselor and Relationship Expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo in this blog, then have a peek into it, that you may be in a “situationship”.

Run-Ins with a Friend or Relatives are Awkward

Have you ever bumped into a relative or friend while you are with the person you are seeing and not known what to introduce them as?  With responses with pauses like Uhm, this is my friend?’ or ‘Uh, this is his/her name, you know you are in a situationship. This is due to the fact that you haven’t truly defined what you are both doing.

Not at All Making Future Plans with Each Other

The majority of the people in committed relationships will be making plans for their future, such as birthday plans or deciding to book event tickets that would not be for another six to eight months. If you are in a situationship though, you might never make plans that are more than a week in advance, preferring to simply live in the moment. You may also still be going to events such as wedding ceremonies or New Year’s events alone.

You Have Never Meet Each Other’s Friends or Colleagues

On the first note, apart from the awkward run-ins, you have not officially met each other’s friends or colleagues.  Meeting friends usually, signifies that the relationship has the ability to be long-term. Several people do not want to introduce someone to their friends if they would be around next week. Introducing them indicates commitment. Whereas in a situationship, at most in this kind of relationship the closest you can perhaps come to making a commitment is to begin watching a new web series together at most. Nothing more than that. *

There are a Few Taboos

Being in a situationship, you tend to always be playing a game of chicken while texting. So, if one of you doesn’t respond for a long time, you cannot easily just ask what is going on. Lack of commitment means you do not wish to appear as the needy or clingy one, since you are technically not even in a defined relationship. Also, you are certainly not on each other’s social media too.

You Have Sleepovers Regularly

It does not feel necessary to leave straight away post-sex because you do not simply go over to hook-up. Even though your relationship could be largely physical, you still do plenty of the domesticated activities that couples normally do.  You stay overnight at each other’s places, have breakfast, and even have your toothbrush at their homes.

You Have Feelings for Each Other But Not Love, But You Simply Never Talks About This

Despite not admitting it to the person you are seeing, you have certainly caught feelings. However, you do not love them. Communication is vital in a serious relationship, but in situationships people merely tend not to talk about their true feelings. While it could be fun for a while, it is essential to bear in mind that the uncertainty may get a bit too much eventually.

What happens if you get yourself in a situationship?

If you are dating in 2021 and a millennial, then you will possibly find yourself in a situationship. If you are not already in one now. Millennials somewhat specifically tend to be “scared of the responsibility and expectation that comes along with the label girlfriend or boyfriend and so the ‘what are we’ conversation simply never happens.

While pressure and label-free relationship sound good, but one never knows situationships can actually be quite toxic. The repeated uncertainty of the other person’s feelings and thoughts can rapidly turn from exciting to exhausting. The worst thing is that when a situationship finishes, you say to yourself that you cannot get even properly upset about it because it was not even theoretically a relationship. Situationships are not for everyone. If it is not what you actually wish, then get out of it immediately. Put yourself first and never settle for anything you do not deserve.

Your Counselor Is Now Just Skype/Video Call Away

During the current challenging time, it’s common to experience anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and relationship challenges at home. While you are under lockdown and maintaining social distancing norms to help the country to control COVID-19 spread, your very own counsellor Shivani is now just a call and Skype video call away from you.

However, in this age of coronavirus, we hope to offer our therapeutic help. Change is difficult for all of us and changing the way you meet with your therapist is no exception.  But try it before you disregard this option.  This is a challenging moment in time, and fears and anxieties are running high.

You may find, telepsychology isn’t a second-rate option. Instead, it’s an effective and efficient upgrade to a valuable service!

Feel free to call Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo at +91-8860875040 for telephonic or video support and to book an online counselling session to address any relationship issues, emotional and psychological challenges.

Online Counselling Therapy by Shivani Misri Sadhoo

A Responsible Counselling During the Pandemic

In the current COVID-19 situation, Saarthi Counselling Services prioritise your and your loved one’s safety first, hence counselling session mode with Counselor Shivani has been digitalized. So, you and your partner can have your dedication sessions directly with counsellor Shivani, within the safety and comfort of your home. The advantage of online counselling directly with Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo are :-

Advantages of Online Counselling vs Face-to-face counselling?

The Face to Face online therapy with Counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo works exactly like face-to-face therapy. In parallel with the massive use of technology in our daily lives, mental health support has been recently delivered in non-traditional ways, other than the classic face-to-face offline approach. The Face to face video calls with you and your partner are being used as the means to deliver therapy.

The sessions work exactly like face-to-face therapy in terms of duration, frequency, confidentiality and how therapy is held.

Convenience for Attaining Session

Online therapy is convenient since you will be attending therapy sessions online in the comfort of your own home, you can often schedule your therapy sessions for times that are the most convenient for you.

Social stigma

Online counselling may also be effective in eliminating the social stigma associated with receiving therapy. For those who are uncomfortable with receiving therapy, online counselling allows access to such services in private without having to visit the counselling centre.

Counselling can take on a whole different image when executed by the client in their own home through the computer. It may also allow the client to feel less stigmatised without having to be seen by others in the waiting room, the administrative staff or any other person who just happens to be walking past at the time the client walks through the door.