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What to do if You are Married, but Attracted to Someone Else?

Did you know that it is perfectly normal to have feelings for another person even while you are married? These brief infatuations with another person are part of human nature, rooted in our brain chemistry. However, these feelings do not reflect anything about your marriage, your spouse, or the person you’re having a crush on.

While such feelings can add thrill and excitement to your life, they might also bring feelings of guilt and fear. Do not worry. Here are certain things that are being explained in this blog.

why I am feeling attracted outside marriage

What do you need to do when you are married, yet are attracted to someone else?

Eminent couples therapist and marriage counsellor in Delhi, Shivani Misri Sadhoo is here to tell you what you can do when you are married but have a crush on someone else.

Accept your Feelings – Perhaps the first and foremost step in getting over your crush while married is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Recognizing that crushes are a natural part of the human experience and do not signify a lack of love for your spouse or a failing marriage is crucial.

By admitting your feelings to yourself, you can take active measures to manage them, preventing them from leading to a potential affair. This self-awareness empowers you to gain control over your emotions, rather than allowing them to dictate your actions, ultimately helping you to move past the crush.

Reflect and Reconnect – When you’re married and having a crush on someone else, reflecting on your marriage is crucial. It helps you understand the potential consequences of acting on those feelings. Assessing what you stand to lose reminds you of the value of your relationship and the life you’ve built together.

Additionally, it prompts you to consider if the person you’re attracted to is truly worth jeopardizing your marriage. Furthermore, reflection may uncover underlying issues within your relationship that need attention. This introspection can lead to open communication with your spouse, strengthening your bond and addressing any areas for improvement.

Stay Away from Your Crush – Any kind of temptation is hard to resist, especially when it involves someone outside of your marriage. When you have a crush on someone, the best course of action is to create distance. While complete avoidance may be impossible, limiting contact is crucial. Setting clear boundaries and sticking to them prevents the crush from escalating.

Reducing interactions gradually diminishes the intensity of feelings over time, safeguarding the sanctity of your marriage. By prioritizing distance, you prioritize your commitment to your spouse and ensure the crush doesn’t jeopardize your relationship.

Set Clear Boundaries – Familiarity can intensify feelings and blur boundaries, potentially jeopardizing a marriage. It’s important to establish clear boundaries in such cases. By maintaining distance and limiting interactions with the crush, you prevent the escalation of emotions. Sending mixed signals only fuels confusion and potential misunderstandings, complicating matters further.

The sooner you recognize that managing a crush is solely your responsibility, the better it will be for you to avoid such behaviours that could harm your relationship. Communicating openly with your partner about boundaries reinforces trust and commitment. Remember, prioritizing your marriage means actively safeguarding against the allure of a crush and steering clear of actions that may compromise the relationship’s integrity.

Honest Communication – We all know that communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. When you have a crush on someone else while you are married, it is quite natural to feel guilty or embarrassed about these feelings, but keeping them secret only intensifies the struggle. By openly discussing your emotions with your spouse, you’re acknowledging their importance and seeking understanding.

This transparency not only strengthens trust but also cultivates a deeper connection. While the conversation may feel awkward, it’s an opportunity to strengthen the bond between you and your partner. By confiding in them, you’re not only sharing your struggles but also inviting their support and perspective. This honesty can breathe new life into your relationship, allowing both of you to overcome challenges together. Ultimately, open communication lays the foundation for surmounting obstacles and reaffirming your commitment to each other.

It is evident from this article that it would be wise to acknowledge and accept your feelings, reflect on your marriage, maintain distance from your crush, set clear boundaries, and communicate openly with your spouse. These steps strengthen bonds and safeguard relationships.

relationship advice blog Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Signs When a Woman Just Pretends to Love Someone

 “Love is often romanticized as a beautiful feeling, the heartwarming cornerstone of countless stories, songs, and dreams. Yet, as we step into the complex terrain of the real world, we quickly realize that love isn’t always a fairy tale set to a catchy tune.

Sometimes, it becomes a painful and bewildering journey, particularly when you begin to suspect that the woman you hold dear is merely pretending to love you. In this article, Shivani Sadhoo delves into the intricacies of such situations, shedding light on the tell-tale signs that can serve as ominous markers, indicating that her professed love for you may not be as genuine as you had hoped.

Signs When a Woman Just Pretends to Love Someone

When a woman only pretends to love someone?

Some of the signs according to the marriage and relationship counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo that indicate a woman is merely pretending to love you are:

  • Lack of Respect

When a woman consistently demonstrates a lack of respect towards you, it can be a clear indication that her professed love may be insincere. Respect is a fundamental element of a healthy relationship. If she disregards your feelings, boundaries, or opinions, it’s crucial to consider whether her love is genuine or merely a facade.

  • She Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings

A clear indicator of her lack of genuine love is her disregard for your emotions and well-being. She prioritizes her convenience, showing no concern for your feelings, needs, or aspirations. Her apparent affection is merely a façade to gain something from the relationship. When you’re down or upset, she feigns care when it’s effortless, but avoids offering real support when it requires her genuine attention and empathy.

  • When She Deceives You

A person who truly loves you wouldn’t betray your trust with someone else. When someone is deeply in love, suspicion of infidelity and the need for evidence shouldn’t exist. Cheating and genuine love are incompatible.

Even if you forgive her and she claims to love you more, if she avoids difficult conversations and doesn’t want to face her betrayal, she’s prioritizing her comfort over your emotions. This isn’t the behaviour of someone who genuinely loves you.

  • She Treats You Differently in Public

When you’re alone, she embodies everything you’ve ever desired in a partner. However, a stark contrast emerges when you’re in the company of others. In such situations, she becomes openly critical, disparaging, and dismissive of you. Her demeanour is far from pleasant, and despite attempts to rationalize it, the hurt remains.

  • Avoids Commitment

Avoiding commitment can be a major red flag. If she’s reluctant to commit to a serious relationship, avoids discussing the future, or dodges talks of moving in together or getting married, she may not be as invested in the relationship as you are.

  • You Are Not Important to Her

One common sign that a woman might be pretending to love you is if she doesn’t prioritize spending time with you. When you’re not a significant focus in her life, it suggests a lack of genuine care. If she doesn’t actively seek out quality time with you and readily chooses other activities over being with you, it may indicate a problem in her attraction or love for you. True love often involves a strong desire to spend quality time together, so her lack of effort could be a red flag for the authenticity of her feelings.

  • Lack Of Intimacy

Physical touch plays a vital role in expressing emotions, intimacy, and affection within a relationship. When a person consistently avoids physical contact and emotional intimacy, it may be indicative of insincerity and a lack of love. A deep, loving connection typically involves both emotional and physical closeness, making these signs of avoidance concerning the authenticity of the relationship.

In love, actions often speak louder than words. When a woman consistently displays disrespect, indifference to her feelings, deception, and varying behaviour in public, it raises questions about the authenticity of her love.

Avoidance of commitment, lack of prioritization, and absence of intimacy further compound doubts. In genuine love, respect, care, trust, and consistency are the cornerstones. When these elements are absent, it’s essential to re-evaluate the sincerity of the relationship. 

Signs You are in a Relationship with an Empathetic Person

You might have seen that a person all of a sudden asks you a particular thing about which only you know, yet that person ends up asking regarding that thing. At that point, you may be wondering how come he/she came to know about it. Well, this is one of the qualities of an empath person. It is certain that many of you have heard people refer to their partners to others as empaths, specifically with the surge in these sorts of spiritual practices and beliefs becoming more prominent. For those of you who do not know, an empath is someone who can feel and experience the emotions of people and other beings around them as if they were the Empath’s own.

Empathic persons are also known for being sensitive towards the paranormal, physical pain, and sensations of others, and also who are highly sensitive to their own emotions and physical sensations, amongst several things. Many individuals claims to be an empath, but the number of people who are genuine empaths is quite smaller in number.

In this blog, India’s leading psychologist and marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo tells about the signs, you are in a relationship with an empathetic person.

He/She Experiences Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings or Other Psychological Phenomena

Empath individual is known for his/her defining feature, being able to feel and experience the emotions of others. Empaths can, in simple terms, put themselves in other people’s shoes with great intensity. Empaths, such as shamans, are well known to absorb illnesses and negativity from people around them. Sadly, shamans are better able to deflect unwarranted energies than most empaths.

They Often Get Sick and Experience Chronic Illnesses

Empaths are quite capable of deflecting negative energies rather than soaking them, but many empaths are not aware of their gift or simply do not know how to manage it properly. Watch out if your partner is having the same issue.

They are Known for Having Intense and Turbulent Emotions

This is actually not a bad thing. In fact, it can be a quite wonderful thing at times. Your partner experience love and happiness in such large quantities that it brings about intense euphoria and peace. Intimacy can also be extremely fulfilling and intense, specifically if your partner loves you when you are with him.

But they also experience sadness, anger, and guilt at extremes too. Sadness could feel soul-crushing, guilt all-consuming, anger becomes explosive. The worst part is that sometimes these emotions aren’t even their own.

They Feel Connected to Nature and Animals

Not be an adage, but this is a huge sign. Your partner does not need to be a full-blown nature fanatic to feel the connection. They can feel the life given off by everything, like the grass, flowers, trees, animals who inhabit the whole earth with us. They can feel the vibrations of the seasonal change too besides they appreciate it all.

Children and Animals Gravitate Towards Them

Do animals or children seem to stare at your partner for no apparent reason? They may be seeing something most of you cannot—the aura. An aura is the energy field. It reflects the true personality and emotions with colors. Animals and children are supposedly more sensitive to such elements, for that reason they may be seeing the biggest giveaway to the person’s true intentions (the aura, in case the wasn’t obvious). We already have seen that children can tell if a person is good or bad, but how do they do it? Well, this is up for you to decide. The bottom line is they know certain things about the person is special, so they gravitate towards them.

They Can Read Others Like a Book

They have a naturally heightened intuition that serves them well in many ways, especially when it comes to reading people. They are an expert at reading people’s intentions and judging their character. It is hard to go by their intuition at times, especially when first meeting someone or when asking for someone’s opinion on their gut feelings, but they have this intuition for a reason. It might not be right every time, but it is the right majority of the time.

He/She is a Very Thoughtful

They care deeply about what they say and do because they understand the consequences their actions could have on those around you, even indirectly. They may even overanalyze everything and worry excessively about what kind of mark he/she is leaving on the world. It’s vital for them to stay self-aware and mindful of their actions to avoid hurting themselves or others, but it’s also important for them to stay genuine and not let their fear of what others think of them controlling his/her life.

All of the above-mentioned signs are good enough to let you know that your partner is an empath or not.

Your Counselor Is Now Just Skype/Video Call Away

During the current challenging time, it’s common to experience anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and relationship challenges at home. While you are under lockdown and maintaining social distancing norms to help the country to control COVID-19 spread, your very own counsellor Shivani is now just a call and Skype video call away from you.

However, in this age of coronavirus, we hope to offer our therapeutic help.  Change is difficult for all of us and changing the way you meet with your therapist is no exception.  But try it before you disregard this option.  This is a challenging moment in time, and fears and anxieties are running high. 

You may find, telepsychology isn’t a second-rate option.  Instead, it’s an effective and efficient upgrade to a valuable service! 

Feel free to call Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo at +91-8860875040 for telephonic or video support and to book an online counselling session to address any relationship issues, emotional and psychological challenges.