Category Archive : couples therapy by Shivani Misri Sadhoo

why to continue with marriage counselling

Why You Should Stick with Therapy, Even When It’s Tough?

Leading marriage counsellor and couples therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo explains why it is important to continue with your therapy even when you find it tough to handle.

When life throws us curve balls and we feel like we’re constantly running on empty, how do we navigate the maze of emotions that come with it? In a world where the pace never seems to slow down, where do we find solace and support for our mental and emotional well-being?

The answer may lie in therapy.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. From work deadlines to family obligations, the relentless demands on our time and energy can leave us feeling drained and overwhelmed. And when faced with challenges or setbacks, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves struggling to cope with the flood of emotions that accompany them.

But what if there was a way to untangle the knots of our emotions, to make sense of the chaos within ourselves?

Leading marriage counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo explains why it is important to continue with your marriage therapy

Therapy is working for you

At first, therapy feels good. You connect with your therapist, feel understood, and learn about yourself. But then you hit a wall. You talk in circles, feel irritated, and dislike therapy. It’s normal. It means you’re making progress, confronting things you’d rather avoid.

It’s tough but part of the process. If therapy would have been easy, everybody would have been doing it. Sometimes your therapist dives deep into your subconscious to uncover painful memories. Don’t give up, it’s all part of the journey towards healing.

Improvement of Coping Skills

Did you know that our life experiences shape how we deal with emotions? Interactions with others and life events affect how we react to what happens to us. When you talk to a psychologist when you’re feeling good, it’s easier to think about things and become more aware. Therapy makes you feel safe and helps you understand how you handle emotions.

It can also help you replace unhealthy coping mechanisms with better ones. Therapy gives you a chance to learn new ways to deal with tough situations or feelings. Your therapist can show you how to spot negative thoughts and change them to feel better. This can lead to a happier mood and better overall health.

Improves Clarity of Thought

It is quite natural to feel bothered by things from time to time, even if your overall life is happy. These could include annoying habits from your partner, family discussions, or work issues. Dealing with these challenges can affect your daily well-being and long-term happiness. Talking to a therapist can help you understand and clarify your emotions.

They offer an outside perspective that can be very useful. While family and friends can help, therapists are trained to listen and provide helpful insights. Identifying your feelings and why you’re feeling them is healthy and makes them easier to manage.

Helps in Personal Growth

Therapy often helps you rediscover your inner self. It sees difficulties not as roadblocks but as stepping stones for personal growth. This psychological path lets you explore your mind and understand yourself better.

Instead of changing external circumstances, therapy focuses on how you cope and respond to them. It’s an inward journey where gaining insight helps you grow into the person you want to be, boosting your self-efficacy and fulfilment. A trained psychologist guides you with understanding and tools for this transformation.

Teaches you different strategies to handle stress better

Therapy offers valuable tools and techniques for handling life’s challenges smoothly. It provides strategies like cognitive-behavioural methods and mindfulness practices. Therapists help clients manage stress, anxiety, and depression. With practice, individuals can develop self-awareness and emotional control. This empowers them to face life’s hurdles with more confidence.

Therapy isn’t just about overcoming obstacles; it’s a journey toward self-discovery and a more fulfilling life. In essence, persisting through the challenging phases of therapy is pivotal for profound personal growth. Embracing discomfort signifies progress, honing coping skills, clarifying thoughts, fostering resilience, and acquiring strategies for stress management.

what independent women wants from men

Do You Know What Independent Women Want from Men?

Dating an independent woman can be an enriching experience, but it also comes with its own set of nuances. So, what exactly do independent women want from men in relationships?

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand who an independent woman is. She’s not just someone who pays her bills or pursues her career goals. An independent woman knows herself deeply, speaks her mind with clarity, and lives authentically according to her values. She doesn’t seek validation or fulfilment from others; instead, she finds it within herself.

Things Independent Women Want from Men

What are the things independent women want from men?

Let us learn from leading marriage and relationship counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo in this blog.


Independent women seek partners who not only recognize but celebrate their autonomy. A secure man values her self-reliance, encouraging her aspirations and respecting her need for space. He engages in constructive dialogue, cherishes her uniqueness, and supports her goals.

Moreover, he values her physical boundaries and emotional well-being, recognizing that true allure lies in his ability to comprehend and connect with her as an individual while acknowledging the unity within their shared journey.

Equality in relationships

An independent woman looks for a partner who is her equal, not her competitor. She believes in sharing responsibilities, making decisions together, and working as a team to build a life. This means both partners pitch in and share the load, creating a balanced and satisfying dynamic.

Equality isn’t just about the basics; it’s about fairness, talking openly, and understanding each other. It’s about seeing and respecting each other’s differences and treating each other’s opinions and contributions with value, regardless of what society says.

Honest communication

Good communication is vital for a healthy relationship. Independent women appreciate partners who are upfront and willing to have deep conversations. She values openness and honesty, so it’s important to be direct and assertive like her.

Don’t shy away from expressing your thoughts and feelings. She wants her partner to be transparent and vulnerable too, as this builds intimacy and strengthens the relationship. So, keep the dialogue open and honest for a deeper connection that grows stronger over time.

Emotional connection

Sometimes, grasping the unspoken nuances becomes crucial. An empowered and self-reliant woman places great value on emotional availability in a relationship. Recognizing the significance of emotional intimacy, she seeks a connection that goes beyond shared interests and physical attraction. Fearless in embracing vulnerability, she desires a partner who shares this openness.

For her, a relationship is a comprehensive bond that involves mutual support and understanding. Even the most self-sufficient woman may, at times, yearn to be vulnerable, allowing her partner to be the pillar of strength.

They want their partners to follow their own dreams too

Independent women seek partners who are strong and self-sufficient. They are drawn to individuals who can handle their own lives without constant support. These women value ambition and expect their partners to have their own aspirations.

Being with someone who is driven not only adds excitement to the relationship but also fosters personal growth and independence. Such partnerships propel both parties toward their dreams and create a supportive environment for mutual success.

Looks for unconditional love

An independent woman values her needs in a relationship. Despite her strength, she desires love, care, and consideration. Like anyone, she seeks a partner who embraces her flaws, celebrates her uniqueness, and stands by her through life’s challenges. Recognize her feelings, be there for her, and show unconditional love for a flourishing relationship.

Now that we’ve explored what independent women expect from their partners—respect, equality, honest communication, emotional connection, and shared dreams—it’s evident that they seek relationships built on mutual understanding and support. These expectations foster strong bonds where both individuals thrive personally and collectively, embracing each other’s autonomy and aspirations.