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cooking good for relatinship tips shivani misri sadhoo

Do You Know How Cooking Together Can Help Spice Up Your Relationship?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relationships often find themselves caught in the mundane monotony. The initial spark that once ignited passion and excitement may dwindle over time, leaving couples feeling disconnected. However, fear not, for there’s a delightful remedy that not only rekindles the flame but also adds an extra dash of excitement – cooking together as a couple.

Let us find out more from leading couples therapist and marriage counsellor Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

leading couples therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo advantage of cooking in relationship

How Couple Cooking Can Transform the Ordinary into the Extraordinary, Infusing Relationship with Renewed Vitality?

Shivani Sadhoo says, given below factors arise while a couple cooks together:

1. Enhanced Communication

Cooking together is more than just following a recipe; it’s the subtle nods, shared glances, and synchronized movements that deepen connections beyond words. In the kitchen, communication becomes an art, vital for a successful dinner service at home, much like in a restaurant.

From chopping instructions to timing, cooking requires seamless collaboration, and developing non-verbal understanding. Solving culinary challenges together, whether it’s a salty soup or an overly sweet dessert, hones communication and problem-solving skills, creating a recipe for navigating life hand in hand.

2. Making Memories

Cooking together forms cherished memories, weaving special moments into the fabric of life. From Mother’s Day brunch to a Diwali feast, life’s milestones are often intertwined with food. Research indicates that the aroma of dishes holds a unique power to evoke potent memories.

In the kitchen, creating flavours and smells with loved ones becomes a recipe for lasting positive associations, igniting special recollections with every shared culinary adventure.

3. All About Teamwork

Cooking together is more than just chopping vegetables and stirring pots. It’s a chance to ace teamwork. Keeping the kitchen clean or doing dishes together is teamwork too. Whether you’re chopping veggies or cleaning up, divide tasks fairly. Even if cooking isn’t your thing, being in the same space matters. As adults, cooking builds curiosity, creativity, and teamwork—essential for healthy relationships.

4.  A Great Stressbuster

Cooking together is like a therapy session for couples. From chopping vegetables to boiling an egg – it’s a shared meditation that lets you escape life’s chaos. Spending that time with your love not only reduces stress but also triggers those feel-good hormones.

Life’s challenges can pile up, affecting relationships, but couple cooking brings warmth and connection. So, unwind, bond, and create something delicious amid the craziness. It’s not just a meal; it’s a recipe for a happier relationship.

5. Develop Intimate Bonding

In a world dominated by screens and constant connectivity, couple cooking offers a rare opportunity to unplug and focus on each other. The kitchen transforms into a haven, drowning out distractions for an intimate rendezvous. It’s a deliberate break from tech, a reminder to savor each other’s company. Sharing the effort of a homemade meal brings a unique satisfaction.

Complimenting each other’s culinary skills? That’s the secret sauce for feel-good vibes! Make at-home cooking dates a regular ritual; it’s a delicious way to spice up your bond.

When couples venture into the kitchen together, they set sail on a journey that transcends the ordinary. Beyond the sizzle of pans and the aroma of shared meals, cooking becomes a catalyst for enhanced communication, cherished memories, seamless teamwork, stress relief, and intimate bonding.

In the midst of chopping, stirring, and tasting, relationships find a recipe for renewal, transforming mundane moments into extraordinary connections that endure the test of time.

marriage goals relationship counselor shivanimisrisadhoo

Why Can’t We Compromise in a Relationship?

Relationship Expert Shivani Shares How and When to Compromise In Your Relationship and When Not To

Compromise–This 10-letter word may have different meanings depending upon the context, but in a relationship, it means peacefully resolving a conflict by meeting each other halfway. One must remember that compromise does not mean giving in; rather, it means understanding each other’s point of view and finding a solution both parties can agree on. It must be a win-win and not a win-lose situation.

Compromise is a very important part of a healthy relationship, but it can be hard to do. Let’s learn why it is so difficult to compromise in a relationship from Delhi’s top marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo.

relationship and marriage counselling advice

Ego matters: When two people have strong egos, they become entrenched in their own beliefs and points of view. This makes it hard to come to mutual understandings and compromises, as both parties are unwilling to budge on their stance.

Communication barrier: When couples do not communicate effectively, it can be difficult to reach a compromise. Miscommunication can lead to misinterpretations, frustration, and resentment, making it hard for couples to find common ground.

Fear of change: People tend to fear the unknown, and when faced with the possibility of change, it can be difficult to come to a compromise. This is especially true when the change involves something that is very important to the individual, such as values, beliefs, and lifestyle choices.

Loss of control: Fear of losing control and power can make it difficult to compromise. People can be reluctant to give up their own needs and desires to reach a mutual agreement.

Stubbornness: Stubbornness can prevent two people from finding a middle ground, as both parties may be unwilling to give in and make concessions. This can lead to a stalemate and make it difficult to reach an agreement.

While these are some of the reasons why people find it difficult to compromise, it is also essential to understand—

When to Compromise — And When Not to

Good or bad compromise? It is important to recognize when it is necessary to compromise and when it is important to stand your ground. Compromise should be used to create a win-win situation, where both partners (or family members, whoever is involved) get something out of the agreement. But it is important to know your limits and not compromise on anything that would undermine your values or sense of self-respect.

Don’t compromise your individuality in a relationship. It is essential to know when to let go and when to stick to your guns. Compromise should not be seen as a sign of weakness. You need not sacrifice your values or uniqueness just to please your partner.

Respect your family bond. Compromising doesn’t mean you should ignore your family or disrespect them just because your partner doesn’t like them.

Compromise can be healthy when it strengthens the relationship, but unhealthy when it leads to feeling taken advantage of.

How can you compromise?

Listen and be heard: Compromise is a two-way street. It is important to listen to your partner’s point of view, consider their feelings, and then take turns expressing your own needs and wants.

Empathy: Practising empathy means putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and trying to understand their point of view.

Respect each other’s opinion and values.

Be flexible when making decisions.

Agree to disagree: If two people disagree on something, they can still find a way to move forward without either of them giving up.


Compromise is a way of maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict. It is always about striking the right balance between two opposing views.

Signs That Says You Are Afraid Of Being Alone Thus Are In A Relationship

Several people begin being in a relationship simply after they fall in love. The decision to make someone an important part of one’s life revolves around various factors including trust, compatibility, values, and a few more. Unfortunately, some people might ignore the most important reason, that is love, for being in a relationship.

For those people being with someone becomes a necessity simply because they are alone. In most cases, people who push themselves to be in love to avoid being feeling lonely can soon turn insecure when they see their other half is giving attention to another person. It is not surprising to see such people turn into retentive and obsessive lovers later.

It is essential to realize what you hope from a partner or why you want to be in a relationship because being with someone for self-reasons can never make a relationship to blossom.

Here, psychologist, marriage counselor and relationship expert Shivani Misri Sadhoo talks about the signs that say you are afraid of being alone thus are in a relationship.

You Have No Idea About Anything Which Is Common Between You And Your Partner

It is quite normal for friends and family to compliment a couple saying they have plenty in common, be it their choice of food or any other habit. But, when somebody asks you what is common between you and your partner, you have no clue or you simply struggle. This is simply an indication of how mismatched you might be. This is certainly not a good sign.

When Your Partner Is With Someone Else You Feel Insecure

You may hate to admit it publicly but whenever you see your partner with somebody else you suffer from unexplainable thoughts of jealousy. The fear of being dumped fills your heart and mind and you become quite insecure. This is a strong indication that you suffer from the fear of negligence and most probably scared of getting lonely too.

Feel Alone When Your Partner Is Away

This is a major tell-tale sign of being in a relationship simply because you are afraid of being alone. Every time your partner is away from you, you fight this tendency to be constantly in touch with your partner. You feel lonely or ignored when your partner does not return your text and calls or makes plans with friends without asking you. Remember, such conduct will only push your relationship to the downhill.

Will Do Anything That Satisfies Your Partner

Are you changing into a person your partner might want? In your desperate efforts to satisfy your partner, do you frequently lie to them about yourself or hide specific traits of your personality because your partner would not approve of it? If you see yourself constantly doing the things just mentioned, you certainly need to rethink your approach towards the relationship you share.