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Can You Be Married but Still Be Single at Heart?

Marriage is a commitment between two individuals to share their lives, support each other through thick and thin, and build a future together. Have you ever heard of someone saying they feel single at heart despite being married? It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? However, it’s actually quite common for someone to feel single at heart even while being married. You might be wondering why! Leading marriage counselor in Delhi, Shivani Misri Sadhoo sheds light on the intricacies of the human psyche that contribute to this seemingly contradictory experience.

India's leading marriage counselor Shivani Sadhoo

Can one still be single at heart despite being married?

Relationship expert and couples therapist Shivan Sadhoo shares insights on the same. Here they are?

1. Sense of Individuality remains untouched

 Marriage represents a legal and social agreement that unites two individuals, yet their inner sense of self remains distinct. Being single at heart within a marriage doesn’t signify dissatisfaction or a lack of commitment; instead, it’s about honoring one’s uniqueness within the marital bond. The journey of marriage brings together two individuals, each with their own personality, dreams, and aspirations. Despite the unity in marriage, one’s individual essence remains intact. People may feel “single at heart” when they desire moments of personal space and self-discovery.

2. The Feeling of Autonomy

Some people feel happiest when they have their own space and freedom, even if they’re married. They value doing things on their own and growing as individuals. It’s not that they don’t love their partners or avoid commitment in their relationship; it’s just part of who they are. They find joy in being alone sometimes and pursuing their own interests. Feeling “single at heart” means they can maintain their independence and take care of themselves emotionally, even while being married.

3. Living Apart Together

Living apart together is a trend where married couples choose to have their own homes instead of living together. It’s not because they have to, but because they want to. Some couples even live in the same house but have separate spaces. Research shows that even when couples live together, they may spend less time doing things together compared to the past. This doesn’t mean people want to be alone all the time.

What they’re really looking for is finding the right balance between being alone and being together. This search for balance is something that goes beyond marriage, age, or any other differences. It’s like having the freedom to be yourself without feeling like you always have to be with your partner. This independence can actually strengthen your relationship because it gives each person space to grow and pursue their interests.

4. When Reality Bites

When we think about marriage, we often have certain ideas about what it should be like. But sometimes, what we expect doesn’t match up with what actually happens. This difference between expectations and reality can make us feel disconnected like we’re missing out on the freedom we associate with being single. Society often tells us that when we get married, we’re supposed to become one with our partner, like we’re no longer individuals.

But that’s not always how it works. Each person still has their own dreams, desires, and way of looking at things. Feeling like you’re more single at heart when you’re married isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It means you value your independence and want to stay true to who you are, even in a relationship. It’s important for society to understand that marriage can mean different things to different people. We need to change the way we think about marriage so that everyone’s unique way of loving and finding fulfillment is respected and celebrated.

5. Communication Gap

When communication falters in marriage, partners may feel emotionally distant. This gives a feeling of being ‘single at heart’. This sensation suggests a need for nurturing the marital bond. By openly discussing personal desires and goals, couples can bridge this gap, promoting deeper understanding and connection.

Thus, we know that feeling “single at heart” within a marriage doesn’t imply dissatisfaction; it’s about preserving individuality, embracing autonomy, seeking balance, confronting reality, and addressing communication gaps.

marriage counselor Shivani Sadhoo talks about cultivating positivity in challenging relationshships

Hand in Hand Through Tough Times

Cultivating Positivity in Challenging Relationships Explains Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, are not immune to the trials and tribulations of life. Stress, disappointment, personal struggles – these are all ingredients in the complex recipe of human connection.

Yet, it’s how we weather these storms together that defines the strength of our relationships. When negativity threatens to cloud our judgment and dampen our spirits, it’s essential to remember that positivity is not just a fleeting emotion but a skill that can be cultivated and honed over time. Much like a muscle, it requires consistent effort and practice to develop resilience in the face of adversity.

marriage counselor Shivani Sadhoo talks about cultivating positivity in challenging relationshships

How do we cultivate positivity amid challenging relationships?

Let’s hear what a leading marriage counselor in Delhi, Shivani Misri Sadhoo, has to say about this.

1. Think Positive

When faced with difficulties in relationships, it’s natural to dwell on the negative aspects and become consumed by frustration or disappointment. However, choosing to redirect your thoughts towards positivity can be transformative. It’s not about ignoring the challenges or pretending they don’t exist; instead, it’s about adopting a mindset that seeks solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

Positive thinking involves reframing your perspective. Instead of viewing obstacles as insurmountable barriers, consider them as opportunities for growth and learning. This shift in mindset can be a game-changer in relationships, as it opens the door to constructive communication and collaborative problem-solving.

2. Honest Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. In the face of challenges, it becomes the bridge that connects individuals, facilitating a deeper understanding of each other’s perspectives, needs, and emotions.

Honesty, the raw material of this bridge, is the foundation upon which trust is built. When individuals can openly express their thoughts and feelings, they create an environment conducive to growth and resolution. Honest communication acts as a powerful antidote, dispelling the toxicity that can accumulate in the absence of dialogue.

3. Differences Aren’t Always Bad

One of the greatest obstacles we encounter in relationships is the expectation that others should think and behave like us. This expectation creates a barrier to genuine connection because it overlooks the beauty of diversity.

When we approach relationships with a mindset of uniformity, we miss out on the opportunity to learn from contrasting perspectives and experiences. We limit the scope of our understanding and growth. Embracing differences is not merely a virtue but a necessity in cultivating positivity in challenging relationships.

4. The Power Of Time

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, where time seems to slip through our fingers, cultivating positivity in relationships can be a challenging yet profoundly rewarding endeavor. Amidst the complexities of personal and professional connections, one powerful and often underestimated tool for nurturing positivity is the simple act of giving people your time.

By being truly present, actively engaged, and invested in the well-being of those around us, we create a ripple effect of positivity that transforms even the most challenging relationships into sources of strength and support. Time, when used wisely, has the remarkable ability to heal wounds, bridge gaps, and strengthen the bonds that tie us together.

5. Empathy

Empathy, often hailed as the cornerstone of meaningful relationships, possesses a remarkable ability to dissolve tension and pave the path toward resolution. At its core, empathy entails perceiving and relating to another person’s feelings and needs without resorting to blame, unsolicited advice, or attempts to fix the situation. It transcends mere understanding; it involves immersing oneself in the emotional landscape of another, forging a deep connection built on mutual understanding and trust.

6. Sweet Memories

Think of the good old times. Those moments when you laughed until your sides hurt when you felt like you were the only two people in the world when everything seemed right. Reminiscing about these memories isn’t just a stroll down memory lane; it’s a powerful tool for navigating the rough patches in a relationship.

When you focus on the good, you shift your perspective from dwelling on problems to seeking solutions. Instead of seeing your partner as the source of frustration, you see them as your ally, someone with whom you’ve shared countless beautiful moments and with whom you can create many more.

Now that you have read these tips, remember that cultivating positivity in challenging relationships requires a conscious shift in mindset, honest communication, embracing differences, investing time, practising empathy, and cherishing sweet memories. By adopting these strategies, you pave the way for growth, understanding, and lasting connections in your relationships.